Beautiful Oops

sunny stroll

8/11 Inches

My piece shows a monkey taking a stroll down a colorful street that seems very welcoming and makes you want to dance. this project relates to my life in a couple ways first of the monkey has a similar style to mine with the sweat shirt and cowlick in the back of his head also the fact that I always want to dance.

I started by using the two main dots as eyes and made circle seeing my opportunity I made a monkey out of it built him a body realized my monkey looked skinny and cold I gave him a hoodie, Knowing I needed to add a background I thought back too foundations and remembered one point perspective so I added a one point perspective street in the back then decided to add some color using colored pencils then went over all the pencil lines with sharpie.

I began to experiment right away thinking about a front facing pac man head but ended up with monkey looking best. It began to evolve right from the get go a couple ink stains to a naked monkey added clothes then a blank street to a colorful street too a complete piece. I think my next step would be to add color to the monkeys face.