2D Design

Musical Ice Cream

Jellyfish Oops

Mixed Media Contour


Home to School

Freeport GLAX 


Portrait With/Without Makeup

Semester 1 Reflection 

I've had the opportunity to work with a variety of creative mediums and supplies as a 2D design student. I've worked on projects involving painting, watercolor, drawing, and digital design and during each one, I've had both high and low moments. I also got to discover my strengths and limitations. For instance, in many of my projects I had set backs as I had a hard time brainstorming what I was going to do for the project. Additionally, I've noticed that the drawing project especially demonstrate my weaknesses, whereas my painting and watercolor highlight my strengths. 

I believe my artistic abilities have greatly increased over the course of the year. For example, the first digital painting I created this year didn't really have much detail. The background was plain, and it was overall really simple. However, when we did digital paintings again a couple weeks later, I noticed a significant improvement. I learned to use more colors in order to blend each section more cohesively. 

My sustained investigation #3 project, I believe, was the most difficult project. Not only did I have to come up with a technique to include makeup into the project, and when I opted to combine the makeup with paint, I discovered that the paint was really thick. I attempted to thin the paint with water, but it diluted the color and made it much lighter than I expected. Despite the fact that this was the biggest setback during this project, I eventually found out a method to make it work, and it is my favorite of them all.

Overall, I think I've developed a lot of strengths this year, and I think going to art schools and camps will help me develop them even more. I've already gone to a summer camp focused on watercolor painting, so maybe next time I'll go to one focused on drawing, which is my true interest.