Foundations Of Art

My overall experience of foundations of art was great, I really enjoyed getting to try and getting experience with using all types of different mediums. I also enjoyed trying out new ways to make art and practicing using different perspectives. Additionally working on photographing and uploading my artwork to google classroom, artsonia, and my digital portfolio. Overall I think I have improved a lot throughout this year, and even though I have definitely stepped out of my comfort zone with some of my artwork and new mediums. Stepping out of my comfort zone is a great example of a strength I have as a learner. This strength has defiantly improved over the course of this year while experimenting with all different types of mediums. A weakness I have as a learner is, on more than one occasion, I have left my work to be done at the last minute. But throughout this year I have improved on getting my work done on time and to the best quality I can. I feel that as a learner this year's class of Foundations of art has really helped me with more than just my artwork.

I would have to say that my favorite artwork and the artwork that I’m most proud of for this overall year is the color design project and the wire sculpture. I really like my final product and the process of the color design project. I enjoyed arranging how the colors flowed together and how my subject, which was a cow, looked with the combinations of colors. Also, I really like how the black background really brings out the colors. Though throughout this process I struggled with my patients as I waited for the paint to dry to add another layer. Another project that was one of my favorites was the wire sculpture. I really enjoyed the way this project turned out, I like how this project was one of the few 3D projects we did. Also, I think that the copper wire spirals really completes it. Thought this project was one of the more difficult ones because, for me, the fishhook connections didn't want to tighten and stay put. But overall I think this project, even though it was quite difficult, turned out to be one of my favorites.

The most challenging project that I have worked on overall would be my wire sculpture. Making the wire sculpture was very difficult for me because I had never worked with wire before this project so it took some time to get the hang of it. Also while making this project I found that the fishhooks didn’t seem to want to tighten enough to stay put. Although throughout this process of making the fishhook tower to making my final sculpture, I started to get the hang of it and I really like how it turned out in the end. I also feel that this project is a great example to show how far I have come this year in Foundations of art.

If you look at my very first project for this class, the ‘whatchmadraw it’ project, to my very last project, my ‘assemblage sculpture.’ You can see how not only I have improved at making art itself but also how I have grown as an artist. It shows how I have become more motivated towards my art and its process. Also, it shows how over my time in this class I have begun to take the assignment and put my own spin on my art. I can also recognize that my overall thoughts and belief in myself and my mindset towards art has significantly changed over this year. I now have more belief in myself and even though I might have no experience with something, for example, a new medium, I still give it my best effort even if I think I won't be good at it. At the beginning of this year, I didn’t think I was good at art at all and frankly, I didnt care how bad my art looked. But now at the end of the year, I do my best and put my best effort into my work to really make it my own.

I definitely think that looking back on this year's class of Foundations of art, I have greatly improved. I think my creativity has improved. I have learned and experienced many new mediums that otherwise I probably would not have gotten a chance to learn to use and experience. I hope to keep experimenting with new types of mediums in the future. And hope to keep making art over the summer. This overall year has changed me as an artist for the better. And I am very glad that I took this opportunity to take foundations of art this year.