Pinch Technique

Lidded Jars

Glazes for pot 1 : PC-20, SM-68

Glazes for pot 2: C-21, C-47

This assignment was to make 2 pots from pinch pots. The requirements for the project were, each pot had to be made out of two pinch pots put together, they had to be visually similar in some way (look like they went together), both had to have a lid and some type of handle on to of the lid, and one pot had to have some sort of bottom/stand. The subject of my first pot was a punkin, I wanted to make something festive and something that gave off the feel of fall. Then I decided to make my second pot with the same lines going down it as the first one so that you could tell that they go together yet are equally unique from one another.

How I made my work was by first making a ball of clay, keeping in mind the size I wanted each pot to be. Then I cut it in half and started on making two pinch pots that I then scratched and used water to attach them to one another creating a hollow sphere. I did this process twice to make both pots. Once the basic shapes were done that is when I started playing around with how I wanted each pot to look, making sure that I remembered to plan out all the requirements like making sure both had a handle and one had a bottom. Not only did my project naturally evolve while forming and adding to each of the pots, but my ideas also evolved throughout this process, whether from the color of the glaze I wanted to use to the shape of a handle.

As I have said, both of these pieces were inspired by fall. I really enjoy the season so I wanted to somehow incorporate this into my work. I started out with the pumpkin because when trying to show that fall was the main inspiration of course pumpkins are one of the best ways to describe fall. After I made the pumpkin I kind of wanted them to be obviously similar at first glance but still separate, so this led me to add the same lines but have a little different shape and different but complementary colors. Something I really like about my first pot is how the shape is organic and looks realistic as to how a pumpkin actually would. Something I struggled with was finding a color that went with the orange of the first pot but not the same color. Overall I am happy with the way my project turned out.

Multiple Pinch Pot Project

*See next subpage for more details*