

Adam ask Francesco Fanara


Adam ask Francesco Fanara

This is your first workcamp experience right?

Yes, this is my first work camp experience since I came out from my mother 27 years ago in Palermo (Sicilia). I‘m having fun a lot, met a lot of interesting people, and I would like to share all my background experiences with them.

What is your background then?

My family managed a farm, we produced olive oil, and we used permaculture principles to grow up our trees. We didn’t use chemical stuff. Sadly, it is a very common nowadays, especially in monoculture. They use chemicals to help the trees grow faster which is not a good thing. This project is a very good opportunity to learn more about valuable energy resources for the ecological system.

For example, in Sicilia it doesn‘t rain in summer so this is a good way for me to learn about saving water.

You told me earlier that this is your 4th month here. How it is like till now?

I still have 5 months left. I will stay till 30th of November. Before choosing to apply as volunteer I was working in my city as a social worker, in Caritas, for 1 year. After one year working with this organisation, I wanted some experience abroad because I wanted to learn more. I searched for projects what can fit my knowledge and my background with farming. I searched and suddenly I rushed into this project in Czech Republic and I just applied for it, and I was accepted. I think one motivation, something to push me, it‘s the opportunity to seek knowledge about permaculture, for example how to manage an ecological farm on a more ecological saving, earth friendly way.

You heard the words of a very cool guy named Francesco