Workcamp's diary Capturing water for life

The European Solidarity Corps is the new European Union initiative which creates opportunities for young people to volunteer or work in projects in their own country or abroad that benefit communities and people around Europe...

And now about our project:

The short-term aim is to offer to European youths opportunity to prove their solidarity with local rural community by helping them improve water management of permaculture farm and support environmental self-sufficiency ...

Adam ask Francesco Fanara2nd June 2019

This is your first workcamp experience right? Yes, this is my first work camp experience since I came out from my mother 27 years ago in Palermo (Sicilia). I‘m having fun a lot, met a lot of interesting people, and I would like to share all my background experiences with them. ...more...

On the first day, we started to learn about permaculture.

Our trainer, Lukas, showed us the project area around the house. He explained how the “reed bed wastewater treatment system” works. Then he told us what separate steps we need to work on to finish the project completely. ...

We started preparing the ground of reed bed.

Basically, reed bed is filled with layers of sand and stones. Plants are growing in it, and with their roots are cleaning the waste water from the house.

We, participants, were chosen from six different countries.

Spain, Italy, France, Czech, Slovakia and Romania

Every one of us, who came ...

Small action,

Big reaction

As you have noticed we enjoy working together.

Today we will make the final touches for the base of the reed bad and the water pool. Even if we are almost ready, we still have a lot of things to accomplish.

Our weapons are ready.

Working alone sometimes it can be boring, but working with others helps us to achieve things we didn’t even thought we can do.

Since now we can take care about the environment together, even if you are not here with us, by doing small things which can really help everyone.

Adam Csiki
Adam ask Dacil Rodrigez3rd July 2019

Turn off the water while soaping or brushing the teeth

Everyone likes the sound of the flowing water,but letting to flow without using it its a WASTE

if you want to listen to something while washing your teeth,you have YouTube or Spotify

Listening to MUSIC not the flowing water you waste actually helps your brain to wake up faster and it gives you a boost for the following hours of work you have to do...

Yesterday was a very good day for everyone.

We had the chance to meet with the locals in the pub,to get awesome homemade cheese...

Adam ask Giorgia Ninotti4th July 2019