The edible park

The edible park


“Hvozd“ permaculture farm, Merboltice (Czech Republic).


1. Restoration of the traditional household;

2. Increasing food self-sufficiency;

3. Local rural development

4. Water management


The aim is to create an edible park of 900 m², fenced by a woven branches fence that shall protect it against wild animals, such as deer and wild boars. That will enable us to plant about 150 edible bushes, such as black and red current, honeysuckles, gooseberries and many others. The park will be designed to provide a cosy and relaxing environment for all visitors and especially for children that will be able to benefit of special entertainments, like swings, bush mazes, secret tunnels, etc. The main idea is to obtain maximal benefit from a limited area by providing a beautiful environment for the farm residents and, at the same time, by harvesting rich amounts of fruit that will increase our grocery self-sufficiency.

Realization period:

3 rd - 9 th of June 2018 - Volunteers work-camp (with

16th of September - 6th of October 2019 Volunteering under European solidarity corps. To reed report scroll down.

5th-24th August 2020 Volunteering under European solidarity corps: Outside kitchen. Place to meet. To read report scroll down.

19thJuly -1st of August 2021 The Edible Park Gathering project -Volunteering under European solidarity corps: Gates, tree house, scroll down.

Social Environment you can expect: We are a permacultural farm and non-profit organisation set in the beautiful village of Merboltice, which is located in an environmentally protected area in the Czech central Highlands. We host two long-term EVS volunteers who will be partly supervising the guests and bring their own contribution and perspective to the project. We will provide vegetarian cuisine and the guests will be welcome to take an active part on cooking.

We are very looking forward to host you here and to realize our vision together with you!

Lukáš Pilnaj and Hvozd team

Project co-founded by European Solidarity Corps and organized in cooperation with Tamjdem organisation.

Results of team volunteering project The edible park biotope September-October 2019

In The edible park biotope project taking three intense weeks in Czech Republic from September to October 2019 we achieved together our best, thanks to European solidarity corps, with a common language -the English- for thirteen persons of four different nationalities. We experienced a real collective and united spirit created itself thanks to benevolence, communication, sincerity and determination from everyone. We made a small steps important for a great future, part of our creativity we dedicated to this Edible park, for more interesting information watch the beautiful short video made by Laila Chenu, after her part there is also technical description of the project on the second part of video made by Lukas and Eva.

video about teem volunteering project The edible park biotope

The Edible park gathering Project July 2021

Project The edible park gathering has been succesfully finished! We finished the tree house for kids and the garden gates, we were experiencing working with basic hand tools. Materials we were using, were branches and other curved semi-processed wood. As a special surface protection, we were using a japaneese burning technique (Shou Sugi Ban). Working with wood is fun. To see the results is very satisfying, some volunteers experienced this for the first time. Improvisation, and observation of the things, can bring solutions, and in this each volunteer was a meaningful member of our team. Now we understand better what it implies to be self-sufficient, we were helping to maintain the orchard by mowing and wood chopping, wood is the traditional source of heating the house in winter. We even were making jams from berries, experiencing sleeping in a teepee tent. We were collecting some medical herbs from the garden, for our teas, and we were talking about the permacutural ethics and regulations, which we bring back to our lifes. Together we were creating a living comunity without meat, exotic food and splashing toilet. We had a great time, shared our hobbies, for example ballet, acro-yoga, new book LAB and singing of folk-songs. We took a trip to the national park, the tea house and Prague at the end. Thanks everyone for two weeks of togetherness.