
Buongiorno a tutti!

I’m Giorgia from Italy and I’m a volunteer in Spolek Hvozd from March 2019.

I supposed to write this article at the beginning of my experience ,but, we were doing such a interesting things here , that I preferred postpone the boring computer actions…

But, the moment has arrived!!

So, I arrived in Spolek Hvozd the first of March in a nice sunny afternoon.

I made the trip with my van from Venice to Merboltice. I soon notice the amazing green environment.

I lived in the desert of south of Spain for years so seeing all the green fields and forest full of trees, was really impacting for me.

After parking, there I was…in the place I would have called home for the next nine months!

I remember that, the second day I decided to go explore the forest around the house. I felt like I was in a fairy tale, completely in connection with the nature…Until a group of TEN BIG WILD PIGS just ran very fast in front of me! This was my welcome experience in Czech Republic.

Maybe it’s my animal guide!!

So, Spolek Hvozd is composed by Lukas that is a funny, smiling didgeridoo maker/artist and musician, Eva a sensible and strong women musician/artist, William a mix of energy and love 3 years old boy and Katka, a magnificent friend and inspirational Permaculture teacher, multitasking person.

Obviously, last but not least ,my sweet adventures companion Francesco, the other 9 months EVS volunteer.

During the first month we were actually very busy with interesting workshop, like ceramic creations with the master Miroslav Musil or the Steiner glass with our friend Pavel Jablosky and Permaculture introduction course with Katka Horackova.

Therefore, the time at the beginning was a setting and knowing the place and understanding how the house worked.

The project consist of reconstruction, restructuring of a old house and managing a big garden following Permaculture ethics, all seasoned with an atmosphere of creativity, freedom and chaos.

During the months we did several activities like chopping wood, prepare the seeds for the future planting, didgeridoo making, planting mushrooms, jam session, making bread, digging holes, learn Czech language etc.

The list would be longer but I don’t want to get bored.

One of my favourites experiences in Spolek, for example, they were the organization of the festival that we did in June about music, artistic performances, theatre and the 2 work camp which took place in July and September. Was really cool to divided the house with a lot of people and share different culture.

In the end, in this amazing little place on the edge of the word I learned such a lot of things that I almost can’t find the right words to describe it. I am very grateful to the guys for giving me the chance to know a piece of this reality.

So, a tip: come visit Spolek Hvozd and find out about the workshop taking place in this project, you will not regret it!

Is everything for now. In the next article I will write about Merboltice and its wonderful people.

With love Giorgia