Waterharvesting project 2023

Waterharvesting Project 2023 happend 3rd-17th of July, participants from Czech, Italy, Albania, Moldova, France, Spain, Poland, Germany, Porutgal, all came all by land, except the one who miss the bus. So, good result, 11 people were able to come by land transport!

We were working in hot summer improoving the water filtration system. Catched watter from the roof of the house should be used once for swimming pool and for outside shower too. We made the system for oxygenation of water in swimming pool called Cascada. Water from the pool is not staying water but floating thanks to solar water pump into cascada, where the rain water is filtred by sand filter and plants, and overflow of water is 70 cm.  This suppose to be enough for dleaning bigger amount of water. We also create a wooden mollo for humans to enter the water.

For increasing the volume of rainwatter from the rooof we created also roof extension, which also cover part of workshop of woodprocessing. But we haven't finidhed the roof cover. 

Thanks to Katka Horáčková we made Introduction to permaculture course, so we understand better to principles which might help us to thing more permacultural. Thanks to Eliška Šestáková we have some overwiew about ecovillages.