Interview 3rd July

Interview mede by Adam Csiki

Today I asked Dacil some questions.

She is a very nice girl, always ready to help in kitchen or help others, now she was very kind to me:

How do you feel right now?

I feel very entertained

Really, how it comes?

Because I am doing a lot of different stuff regarding cooking, little bit work on the field...

How do you feel about the projects objective, about water collecting and everything?

I’m very interested because I think water is one of our biggest issues and problems in some areas, and I really want to learn how to save more water.

Will you change something when you get home about your lifestyle?

I think so, I will spend 1 month here, I’m getting used to do things what I’m sure I will bring home.

And what do you think about the participants?

Good question, we have been just 3 days here, people are very motivated and I feel it's a very good team, I’m very interested in other people's background. It's a very good team I really like them.

We waste a lot of water on a daily basis. What do you think about this topic?

In general, we are not very OK using resources. Everybody should at least be informed well. Informed, for example, of how using water affects directly and indirectly the ecosystem.

It is very cool to have the opportunity to spend time as a part of a community which is very aware about the importance of water and cares a lot about the surroundings.

In my opinion, everyone should do some research to gain awareness of our important valuable resources like water.


Dacil learned a lot about enviroment since she has been here and she is willing to change her lifestyle to make our planet a better place.


We made a huge progress today