Working with Oracle Java Environment

June 14, 2018

I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out an issue with Java environment on Ubuntu. I was not able to install Oracle Java 8 so I have seen various issues when I was installing multiple packages. Some errors like this:

The actual errors are pretty much hidden from user. It is actually a failed install of Java 8. The interesting thing was that I didn't get the HTTP 404 error during apt-get install. Instead, I got the HTTP 503 error, indicating the server was not in response, but the link was valid.

I have found the following pages useful.

Initial finding

Install Java 8:

Install Java 10 (only available for 64-bit machine)

I have also found that I need to update /etc/apt/apt.conf to add the following entries:

Acquire::http::proxy "http://proxy_address:proxy_port/";

Acquire::https::proxy "http://proxy_address:proxy_port/";

This is because I have been working behind a corporate proxy. Now I am able to install Java 8 again.