Die Game (2)

Jan 31, 2019

In this post we are going to extend the last die rolling problem. What if the die is imbalanced, and each side shows up with a different probability qi, for i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6? Remember that you still want to construct a game where you win with probability of p.

The trick here is to make an imaginary balanced die by observing specific die outcomes. We have in total 66 outcomes for a die, but we only want to choose those unbiased outcome. Then we want to use that imaginary die to play a fair game as before.

To construct the imaginary die, let's do a series of 6 rolls, and record the outcomes as shown in the table. We only consider the sequence where all of the 6 sides show up.

For other outcomes of the original die, let's ignore them (this means only 6! out of 66 real outcomes are considered!). You can easily prove each side of the imaginary die shows up with equal probability. Now you have a balanced imaginary die; use this die to construct your game!