Spring Season Canceled & WP "meet up" scheduled for 5/12

Post date: May 12, 2020 3:38:08 AM

While we had been hoping to salvage at least part of the spring season, that will not be possible. We will begin working on refunds for the largely cancelled spring season for everyone that paid. Please know that this will likely be a slow going process.

Summer water polo may be a possibility LATE this summer. We have typically started in late May and run our program through late July. Depending on the state of this crisis, we are hoping to provide some water polo in July and August if the current situation improves and we feel that we can provide water polo in a healthy and safe environment. This may or may not coincide with our fall age group season which typically runs late August through early November. At this time, like seemingly all things, everything is up in the air.

Lastly, Coach Elizabeth Timmons and I will be running a zoom meeting next week on Tuesday, May 12 at 4pm. We don't have much planned, but we know that some of our water polo players haven't seen each other in a while and we are happy to facilitate this "meet up." We are also hoping to have Coach Elyssa on the call. She moved to California and is coaching out there but says she misses her Windy City players!

Zoom information is as follows:

Topic: Windy City Water Polo

Time: May 12, 2020 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92624358373?pwd=bmJiVVZmeDduM3AvWlZBZ0JvR21mUT09

Meeting ID: 926 2435 8373

Password: 8giZbv

We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy! We also hope to see you in the pool again soon!