Senior Women's Summer League Team

Post date: Mar 21, 2018 2:52:00 AM

Who is in for the CPD summer league for Senior Women?

Here are the details:

Games are played at Portage Park (OUTSIDE!) at 6/7/8pm on Monday and Wednesday nights. This year, games will not be played on Friday nights (unless make-up games are required). Games are cancelled occasionally due to weather, but we will play as long as there is no lightning.

Games start early June (maybe even as early as 6/4 this year!) and run through the middle of July. There is a championship tournament on Saturday, July 21st that runs all day.

Cost depends on how many people we have on our roster, but generally we have about 20 people and the cost is between $25-30 for all games and the championship Saturday.

Are you in? Email Elizabeth Timmons at ASAP to reserve your spot. Please let me know if you have any questions. Looking forward to a great summer, especially after the nice weather this weekend!