White Balance

White balance refers to the colour temperature of a scene.


As we change the white balance setting on the camera this results 

in hue colour changes in our photograph in a similar way to the use 

of lens filters.


Below are a few examples of how changing the WB setting on your 

camera can result in changes in your photo.





1. WB - Tungsten - Blue tint good for seascapes.


2. WB - Cloudy - Warm up an otherwise dull photograph.


3. WB - Shade - Good for Night photography.


4. WB - RAW - Shoot in RAW and choose the WB setting you 

                        prefer later on the pc.




Note : when shooting in RAW, WB selection may not be available

           on you camera.




1. WB - Cloudy and Shade - good for sunrise and sunset , warms 

                                              up colours.


2. WB - Sunny or Auto - good for day time shooting.


3. WB - Cloudy mild - Shade strong - Sunrise or sunset, warms 

                                   up colours.



Note : Tungsten Error - This has happened to plenty of 

          photographers, example while shooting a wedding 

          indoors the photographer set his camera to Tungsten 

          WB carries on shooting photographs all's well, then the 

          wedding party moves outdoors, photographer

          forgets to change their WB to Daylight or Cloudy until later

          when reviewing their photos and all their out door 

          photographs have a blue hue, all is not lost by opening the 

          photograph in photoshop the contrast and brightness can 

          be adjusted to removed normal tones somewhat, use 

          Photoshop's 'remove colour cast' by using the eye dropper

          and selecting an 18-20% grey level in the scene.



Moral of the story if the shoot is important like a wedding shoot in Raw or if your 

camera allows Raw + Jpeg.

Colour Temperature Values

1. Auto  -  3,000 - 7,000K

2. Day Shade - 7,000K

3. Day Overcast - 6,000K

4. Day Sunny - 5,200K

5. Flourscent - 4,000K

6. Tungsten - 3,200K

7. Colour Temp - 2,800 - 10,000K

8. Custom WB - 2,000 - 10,000K

White Balance for Landscape Photography

1. Shade - 10,000K - Very Blue

2. Cloudy - 7,500K - Blue

3. Overcast - 6,000K - Slightly cool

4. Mid day - 5,500K - none

5. Morning/evening sunlit - 3,500K - warm

6. Sunrise/sunset - 2,000K - very warm