Photographing Lightning

Here's a few notes on photographing lightning.

1. Use a wide angle lens.

2. Set the camera to bulb mode.

3. Dial in an initial speed of 2 seconds and an 

   aperture of f/8.0.

4. Final shutter speed should be between 5-30 


5. Final aperture should be between f/5.6-f/11.0

6. ISO should be set at 100.

7. Photograph the storm / strikes from about

    3-5 miles.

8. Set focus to manual and set focal length to 


9. Expose for the flash of lightning not the scene

    without the lightning.

10. Safety, do not stand near any trees, metal 

      poles or your tripod, hence use a remote

      trigger and stand at a distance from the 


11. Location, pick a location with a great 

      panoramic view.

12. Keep the horizon low and have most of the 

      scene assigned to the sky.