Sitaji's Ramtyag


Sounds backwards but it is not. Sitaji did really got rid of Ram.

She did so when her life ended as she entered the opening provided by Goddess Earth in response to her request.

Please consider the following last utterance of Sitaji. It is copied from Valmiki Ramayan, Uttar Kand, Sarg 97 (उत्तर काण्ड सर्ग ९७ श्लोक १३-१ ६ page 883-4) as translated by Gita Press, Gorakhpur. Please understand its implications.

उस समय सीताजी तपस्विनियोंके अनुरूप गेरुआ वस्त्र धारण किये हुए थीं | सबको उपस्थित जानकर वे हाथ जोड़े, दृष्टि और मुखको नीचे किये बोलीं - || १३ ||

'मैं श्रीरघुनाथजीके सिवा किसी पुरुषका ( स्पर्श तो दूर रहा ) मनसे चिन्तन भी नहीं करती; यदि वह सत्य है तो भगवती पृथ्वीदेवी मुझे अपनी गोदमें स्थान दें || १४ ||

'यदि मैं मन, वाणी और क्रियाके द्वारा केवल श्रीरामकी ही आराधना करती हूँ तो भगवती पृथ्वीदेवी मुझे अपनी गोदमें स्थान दें || १५ ||

'भगवान श्रीरामको छोड़कर मैं किसी दूसरे पुरुषको नहीं जानती, मेरी कही हुई यह बात यदि सत्य हो तो भगवती पृथ्वीदेवी मुझे अपनी गोदमें स्थान दें || १६ ||

She was dressed like a nun (तपस्विनि) because she was fed up with having to keep proving her innocence. She just wanted to be an ascetic after proving her innocence instead of being a queen.

Why did she choose to pray Goddess Earth instead of Agnidev? In Lanka, when Agnidev rescued her from the fire she had willingly entered, he entrusted her to Ram. (युद्ध काण्ड सर्ग ११९ श्लोक १० page 609) Not again would she resume a married life, she decided.

By entering the ground, Sitaji prevented Ram from touching her not only when she was alive but also after her death . Ram did not even get a chance to perform her funeral rites (अंत्येष्टि संस्कार). Very smart way to not let Ram suspect her again of infidelity!

This was her revolt against the mean husbands' mentality of suspecting their wives of not being chaste. Our ancestors failed to hear her message.
