CV in English


Doctor of Laws

Professor of Graduate School of Policy Science & College of Policy Science

Ritsumeikan University, Japan


Areas of interest: Sociology of law, Land use regulation, The Study of the Commons, Comparative legal history

To Japanese Version Site


Academic Appointments                                           

                Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo, Institute of Social Sciences, 1998-2001

                Visiting Scholar, Ecole normale supérieure de Cachan, Group de l’Analyse de Politique Publique (GAPP) et Département de Sociologie, France , Fellowship Program of Ministry of Education and Science of the Japanese Government, 1999-2000

                Associate Professor of Sociology of Law, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Faculty of Law, 2001-2007

                Visiting Scholar, Ecole normale supérieure de Cachan, Group de l’Analyse de Politique Publique (GAPP) et Département de Sociologie, France, Fellowship Program of Tokyo Municipality, 2003-2004

                Associate Professor of Urban and Environmental Law, Ritsumeikan University, College of Policy Science, 2007-2012

                Professor of Urban and Environmental Law, Ritsumeikan University, Graduate School of Policy Science & College of Policy Science, 2013-present

                ・Courses: Research Seminar on Housing Policy and Urban Planning, Urban and Environmental Law, Community Field Survey and French Law.

                Visiting Scholar, Center for the Study of Law and Society, UC Berkeley, Fellowship Nippon Foundation, August 2014- November 2015.


            Waseda University, Faculty of Law, Bachelor of Arts in Law, 1995

                Waseda University, Graduate School of Law, Master of Laws, with Academic Award of Ono Azusa Memorial, 1997

                  Thesis: Anti-Associative Law and its Vision of a Society in Modern France

                Waseda University, Graduate School of Law, Doctor of Laws, 2008

                  Thesis: Historical Sociology of Freedom of Association and State Imagery in France 


Academic Awards                                                                 

                Award for academic article by Japanese Association of Law and Society, 1999, Titre of article: Transformation of the policy on the intermediate groups in the era of Napoléon, Journal of Social Sciences (The University of Tokyo), Vol.50, No.6, pp.101-127.

                Award for academic book by Japanese Association of Law and Society, 2008, Titre of book: Historical Sociology of Freedom of Association and State Imagery in France, Keiso-shobo, 2007

                Prize of Shibusawa-Claudel and Louis Vuitton Japan, 2008, Titre of book: Historical Sociology of Freedom of Association and State Imagery in France, Keiso-shobo, 2007

                Prize of Fujita by the Foundation of the Tokyo Institute for Municipal Research, 2013, Titre of book: Urban Commons and City Revitalization: Community Management of the Commons and New Functions of the Law (in Japanese), Minerva-shobo, 2012

                Prize of Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, (FY 2015).  





   Historical Sociology of Freedom of Association and State Imagery in France (in Japanese), Keiso-shobo, 2007

   Co-creating Communities and Policy Science (in Japanese), Co-edited with Takahiro MIKAMI, Hiroyuki MORI and Takahiro MIKAMI, Koyo-shobo, 2011

    Urban Commons and City Revitalization: Community Management of the Commons and New Functions of the Law (in Japanese), Minerva-shobo, 2012  (A book review in English)


  Articles, Papers and Book Chapters written in English and French

    “La justice comme vecteur d’un nouvel ordre: l’exemple du Japon (The Justice as vector of new order: case of Japan)”, in: COMMAILLE, Jacques etKALUSZYNSKI, Martine (ed.) La fonction politique de la justice, LaDécouverte, pp.213-228, 2007

    " Participation des habitants … au service public (Inhabitant Participation to provision of public service)", in: Tournon, Jean (ed.) La République antiparticipative, L’Harmattan, pp.145-155, 2009.

    "Local CooperativeManagements on Public Facilities in Japan and New Roles of Law: Case Study ofChild Parks Managements in Kusatsu City", Journal of Policy Science,Vol.4, pp.51-69, 2009.

    “The French Indemnification Fund forAsbestos Victims : Features and Formative Historical Factors : PreliminaryObservations for a Comparative Analysis of Asbestos Relief Frameworks”, in: Kenichi MIYAMOTO, Kenji MORINAGA, Hiroyuki MORI(ed.) Asbestos Disaster –Lessons from Japan’s Experience, Springer, 2011, pp.303-313.

    “ Collaboration between Soft and Hard Law in Japanese Urban Landscape Regulation”, Soft Law and Community Building The Third East Asian Law & Society Conference Proceedings, 2013, pp.137-168.

    "Urban New Commons in Japan: Privatization or Community-based Management?", Policy Science Review(Seisaku Kagaku), Vol.25, No.3, 2018.

    "Le contentieux de l’environnement par le droit coutumier sur les biens communaux", Les Cahiers du GRIDAUH, N.32, 2018, pp.81-97.

    "Le regard sur les études de la conscience du droit aux États-Unis et leurs réceptions en France ―la comparaison avec la tradition de la sociologie du droit au Japon" Kanagawa Law Review,Vol.52, numero 3-4, 2020, pp.51-78.

   "Vacant properties in Japan: A new challenge for the study of the commons and land laws in Asia", Tamanaha, Brian Z, Kaneko, Yuka and Kadomatsu, Narufumi (ed.) Land Law and Disputes in Asia: In Search of an Alternative for Development, Routledge, 2021, pp.149-165.

    TAKAMURA, Gakuto  Nishide, Takashi, Kanazawa, Yusuke, & Hayashi, Masahide(2021) "Bundle of Rights Reversed: Anticommons in a Japanese Common Property Forest Due to Legalization". International Journal of the Commons, 15(1), pp. 259–275

   "La ≪conscience juridique≫ aux États-Unis:réceptions comparées en France et Japon", Droit et Société, n.109, pp.695-712.

Presentations and invited Lectures in English and French                          

    ”Les réformes de la justice au Japon (Judicial Reform in Japan)”,Séminaire de l’axe de recherche sur la justice de Groupe Analyse de Politiques Publiques, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, 2004

     ” Sociologie historique de la loi sur les associations - Sociologues, juristes et législateurs au tournant du XXe siècle (Historical Sociology on Freedom of Association Act: Sociologists, Jurisconsults and Legislator in the early 20th Century)”, Congrès de l’Association française de sociologie, Université Paris ⅩⅢ, 2004

    “Les réformes de la justice et Sociologie juridique au Japon (Judicial Reform and Sociology of Law in Japan)”, Lecture for Master Students of Rennes University with Commaille, Jacques, 2004

    “Culture juridique et Sociologie du droit au Japon(Legal Culture and Sociology of Law in Japan)”, Lecture for Master Students of Lille 2 University, 2004

     ”La réforme du contentieux administratif au Japon (Reform of Administrative Court in Japan)”, Centre de Recherche en Urbanisme, Aménagement Régional et Administration Publique, Invited Presentation, Université de Nantes, 2004

    ”L’accusation par Internet  -Rethinking Alternative Dispute Resolution (Accusation by Internet)”,Session of The Annual Meeting of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law(International Sociological Association), Carré des sciences(Paris), 2005

     ”Recéption et métamorphose des concepts de juridicisation, Verrechtlichung, Legalization au Japon (Acceptance and transformation of the concept of Legalization in Japan)”, Plenary Session of The Annual Meeting of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law(International Sociological Association), Carré des sciences(Paris), 2005

    “Fukushima et après: Leçons de la catastrophe de « Fukushima» et le rôle du droit dans la société du risque (After Fukushima:Lesson from Fukushima and the Role of Law in Risk Society)”, Lecture for Master Students of Institute d’Étude Politique de Lyon, 2011.

     “Voluntary Cooperation with Regulatory Law: A Case Study of the Enforcement Process for Outdoor Advertisement Regulation in Kyoto”, International Conference on Law and Society in Hawaii, 2012

    “ Collaboration between Soft and Hard Law in Japanese Urban Landscape Regulation”, The Third East Asian Law & Society Conference in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2013

    “ Modern History of the Common Rights of Kita-Fuji People ”, The 14th Global Conference of the International Association for the Studies of the Commons, Fuji-Yoshida City Hall, 2013

     “ How can the Law help Prevent Tragedy of the Urban Commons? ”, The 14th Global Conference of the International Association for the Studies of the Commons, Fuji Calm, 2013

     "Association As a Tool or As a Principle? :The Reception and Usage of the Concept of Association in Japanese Modernization Theory". XXⅢ International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, 19 July 2014. 

     "Vacant Properties in Japan and a New Challenge for Property Law”, The 6th Annual Meeting of Association for Law, Property &Society, University of Georgia, May 1 2015.

     "Vacant Properties: A New Challenge for Commons Studies “, Poster Presentation, The 15th Global Conference of International Association for the Study of the Commons, Edmonton, May 26 2015.

     "Polycentralization of Urban Governance and the Role of Law: Legal Geography of Business Improvement Districts in San Francisco”, The 15th Global Conference of International Association for the Study of the Commons, Edmonton, May 27 2015.

     "Faut-il dénaturaliser le droit de propriété ? La question des propriétés vacantes au Japon" Congrès de l’Association française de sociologie, Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France, le 30 juin 2015.

      "The Regulatory Process of Sign Designs and the Legal Consciousness of Business Owners: Empirical Study of Sing Regulations Enforcement in Kyoto City", The 11th Annual Conference of International Academic Association on Planning, Law and Property Rights, The University of Hong Kong,  Feb 24, 2017.

      "Enforcement of Sign Regulations and the Multilayer Structure of the Urban Commons: An Empirical Study on the Regulatory Process in Kyoto”, The 16th Global Conference of International Association for the Study of the Commons, Utrecht University, Netherland, July 11 2017.

    “L’accès au juge au Japon en matière d’environnement. Dimension sociologique”, Journée d’études franco-japonaise organisée par le centre de recherche  ≪Droit et changement social≫ : L’intérêt à agir dans le contentieux de l’urbanisme, de l’aménagement et de l’environnement,Université de Nantes, France, 7 septembre 2017.

    "The Theory of Anti-Commons to Explain the Underuse of Common Forest in Japan", Global Land Programme 2018 Asia Conference, Taiwan National University, Sep 4,2018. 

     "Le regard sur les études de la conscience du droit aux États-Unis et ses réceptions en France par rapport à la tradition de la sociologie du droit au Japon :Commentaire au numéro 100 de la Revue de Droit et Société", Journées d’étude RT13&Revue Droit et Société en l'honneur du 100e n° de la revue,  Autour du dossier « After Legal Consciousness Studies », n°100 : regards internationaux, ENS de Paris-Saclay, 1er Février 2019. 

   "Cross-national study on the structure of local communities that manage the commons: Does an Asian common village community exist?", The 17th Global Conference of International Association for the Study of the Commons, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, July 1, 2019.

   "New Social Dilemmas of Commons that are faced with Depopulation: Challenges and Institutional Change of Common Property Forests in Japan.", The 17th Global Conference of International Association for the Study of the Commons, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, July 5, 2019.

   "The Bundle of Rights Model to Explain the Underuse of Japanese Common Forest from History", The 4th annual meeting of Asian Law&Society Association, Osaka University, Dec 13, 2019. 

   "Remodeling the Concept of Bundle of Rights to Consider Degrowth in a Different Way", International Association of the Study of the Commons&RIHN Online Workshop on Commons, Post-Development and Degrowth in Asia, Keynote Speech, July 21, 2020. 

  "Why do geographic and social conditions of undivided common property forests matter?  : Contextualizing a Japanese case within the international commons research",  International Association of the Study of the Commons 2021, Forest Commons Virtual Conference, September 13-17, 2021.

  Asako MIYAMOTO&Gakuto TAKAMURA "Microscale spatial characteristics of common forests in a mountainous community in Kyoto, Japan", International Association of the Study of the Commons 2021, Forest Commons Virtual Conference, September 13-17, 2021.

  Masahide HAYASHI & Gakuto TAKAMURA "Social structure promoting individualization of common forests", International Association of the Study of the Commons 2021, Forest Commons Virtual Conference, September 13-17, 2021.

    "Anticommons in Japanese Common Property Forests Due to Legalization”, The 7th Global Meeting on Law and Society, The ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon , July 14, 2022

Professional Services                                                    


 Committee Service

    2010, Program Committee of the Annual Conference of the Japanese Association of Law and Society at Doshiha University

    2011, Steering Committee of the Annual Conference of the Japanese Association of Community Policy at Doshisha University

    2012, Program Committee of the Annual Conference of the Japanese Association of Law and Society at Kyoto Women College

    2012-2013, Organizing and Program Committee of the 14th Global Conference of the International Association for the Studies of the Commons at Fuji-Yoshida City


 Professional Societies

    Japanese Association of Law and Society, Board Member

     French Association of Sociology, Member

    Franco-Japanese Association of Legal Science, Member

    Japanese Association of Public Policy

    Japanese Association of Real Estate Studies, Member

    Japanese Association of Condominium Studies, Member

     International Sociological Association, Member

    International Academic Association on Planning, Law and Property Rights, Member

    International Association of the Study of the Commons, Member


 Editorial Activities

    Chief Editor of Journal of Policy Science (English Faculty Review of Ritsumeikan University), 2009-2010, 2016-2017


Other Professional Qualifications                                     

    Qualification of Social Survey Expert by Japanese Association of Social Research