Meetings and Events Update

Our next meeting will be on June 9, 2024 at 4 pm at the Tecumseh Historical Museum.  

We do not meet over the summer months of July and August.

Tecumseh will be celebrating their Bicentennial the weekend of July 19 - 21.we plan on having a recruiting tent set up at the Tecumseh Historical Museum.

Blissfield will be celebrating their Bicentennial the weekend of July 26 - 28  we plan on having a recruiting tent set up at the Blissfield Depot Museum.  

We are happy to announce that the 4th Michigan / Camp Williams Historical Marker has now been reset on the grounds of Adrian College.  Please visit our 4th Michigan Adrian College Marker page for pictures and details.   Thanks to all who helped to get this project into completion.

We are in the process of having the cannon mounts at Brookside Cemetery in Tecumseh Michigan repaired due to age and crumbling.

Anyone wishing to donate to any of these projects may contact us at:

Butch Miller 517-403-1227

We will not be having a regular meeting in April due to having our Annual Dinner get together.  This year it will be at Basil Boys in Tecumseh on April 13, 2024.  If interested please contact Dave Ingall.  

Our next regular meeting will be on May 5, 2024 at the Tecumseh Historical Museum at 4 pm.

The June meeting will be on June 9, 2024 at the Blissfield Depot Museum at 4 pm.

Next meeting will be at the Blissfield Historical Railroad Depot Museum on Sunday November 14, 2021 at 3:30 pm


If there is anything that you would like to see added to this website please bring it with you to the meeting or let me know where to find it and where you think it should be added to on the site.  If you have any ideas of things that should be deleted or changes that you would like to see.  please let me know.  This site is for the members of Nash-Hodges to help build.  Butch

For answers to questions on any of the above events or anything on this web site please contact me at  or call 517-403-1227  Butch Miller