Member's Ancestor Page

Learn more about Henry H. Nash and Addison J. Hodges, the namesakes of our Camp!

The links from this page take you to the ancestors of our members.  We hope that you take some time to browse through and see the service records and the relationships to our members.


Present Members

      Harold "Butch" Miller     Gary Holmes    Neil Griffith     Kimball Frye    

 Dave Helmer       David Ingall      Gary Naugle    Gary Bartlett      Robert Wessel     Robert Elliott 


          Associate Members

 Greg Sebring


    Fallen Members


           William Lentz  ( founder of camp #43 )


            Richard Beach   Dale Gubbe       Harold Hodges     Percy Ira Wilson, Jr.

Keith Hodges      Harry "Bud" Pape   Bertram Bruce    Wilbur Steih

 James Tipton

           Richard Gray    Macklin Pangburn     Thomas Spiegel   William Kniss 





Past Members


Larrie Baker      Richard Burns       Herb Summers

 Craig Emery        Adam Frye       James Frye        Don Geiger

 William Hanusik  Timothy King   Ben Kniss Sr.   Dave Loomis   John Pauli  Nick Pulver

 Steve Wyse   Parker Tagsold Sr.   Parker Tagsold Jr.   William Warden   

  Russel Wilsey   Frank Saxton    David Schneider    Jason Steih   Michael Christiaens    Jerry Wayne Reed 

 Richard Holdridge    Christopher Momany