Post Pandemic


Greetings from Ki4ndn name is David and Welcome.

Because you are here and reading this I know you survived the Plandemic of the past few years. I'm certinally glad you did. Also because I survived/barely I am able to create this new page. It's been a long time coming. Lots of things happen day to day and then sickness or many factors come into play. My Ham Radio hobby has changed dramaticlly. From all kinds of homebrew antennas and the ability to maintain them changed when I stroked out in 2020. Since then one of my favorite and best working Inverted V antennas reached it's demise when my Daughter was helping me get my yard mowed and mower caught the anchor point and pulled her down and broke 30' pushup pole. Because I can no longer climb, well you know. I have managed to get up a very low to the ground G5RV. Still have a full wave Horozontal Loop that does the job well. I had a project started before my illness that has probabl now just become a dream of the past. 100' tower thats still laying. Because I cannot climb any longer and cannot afford to pay what it would cost for someone else to build and maintain, I'd like to say to all you new Hams out there "Do it while you stll can, Build that tower, get your antennas up as best as high as you can. They will need maintenance often, sometimes after every storm.

Happy Hamming and remember "Its just a hobby"

73 and God Bless You