What Is AN Official Emergency Station (OES)?

Post date: Oct 20, 2014 2:25:57 AM

I am relatively a new ham. What does an (OES) do? How do you become an (OES)? Do you have to have special qualifications to be an (OES)? I had some questions myself when I spoke with a local ham that had been an (OES) for near 50 years and I asked him what that (OES) on his hat was. His reply kindly shocked me as I saw a glint of disappointment in his eyes. He made application via the proper appointments and was not re-granted his privilege for whatever reason. Well seasoned qualifying Hams that have been active for all those years have not forgotten the times of need in the past. They have seen the technology evolve and change the way many things are done. So what is the problem? Who dropped the ball? Is this just an oversight? Does someones agenda not include this Old Timer? Questions Questions Questions

So this prompted the research from the main source. A.R.R.L. This is the organization that has the answers to almost anything Ham related.

The following is excerpts from: http://www.arrl.org/official-emergency-station


Official Emergency Station (OES)

Apply Now

Amateur operators may be appointed as an Official Emergency Station (OES) by their Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) or Section Manager (SM) at the recommendation of the EC, or DEC (if no EC) holding jurisdiction. The OES appointee must be an ARRL member and set high standards of emergency preparedness and operating. The OES appointee makes a deeper commitment to the ARES program in terms of functionality than does the rank-and-file ARES registrant.

The OES appointee is appointed to carry out specific functions and assignments designated by the appropriate EC or DEC. The OES appointee and the presiding EC or DEC, at the time of the OES appointment, will mutually develop a detailed, operational function/assignment and commitment for the new appointee. Together, they will develop a responsibility plan for the individual OES appointee that makes the best use of the individual's skills and abilities. During drills and actual emergency situations, the OES appointee will be expected to implement his/her function with professionalism and minimal supervision.

Section Emergency Coordinator

Requirements: Technician class license or higher; Full ARRL membership

The SEC is the assistant to the SM for emergency preparedness. The SEC is appointed by the SM to take care of all matters pertaining to emergency communications and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) on a sectionwide basis. The SEC post is one of top importance in the section and the individual appointed to it should devote all possible energy and effort to this one challenging organizational program for Amateur Radio. There is only one SEC appointed in each section of the ARRL Field Organization.

Tennessee (SEC)

Section Emergency Coordinator / ARES

Tennessee Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)

Section Emergency Coordinator

Dan O’Donovan, W4DOD

2840 Hills Chapel Rd.

Dandridge, TN. 37725-6813


w4dod # arrl.net

Section Assistant Emergency Coordinator / ARES

Middle Tennessee – Districts: 4, 5, 6, 10, 11

Assistant Section EC – Paul Carr, N4AAN

    • 3019 Ruths Ct.

    • Greenbrier, TN 37073-4127

    • 615-384-4801

    • n4aan # charter.net

This information above should get the ball rolling to make the appropriate changes that have either been over looked or laying under a pile of applications on a dusty old desk somewhere. We need the Old Timers. And this is a special Salute to all those guys that stick an helping (elmers) hand out to the new generation of Hams. Thank You for carrying the torch and passing your knowledge on to us Johnny_Come_Latelys. The Elite agendas that do not need the new-comers, well all I can say is it takes us all. Kinda like the turtle on the fence post, as we all know he didn't get there by himself.