Greetings Delta Amateurs

Post date: Aug 24, 2013 5:30:3 PM

Greetings Delta Amateurs

ARRL Delta Division Director: David A Norris, K5UZ ----------------- I have just a couple of things I need to get out before the weekend is upon us so I take computer in hand again to send out this brief bulletin. I did enjoy the Huntsville Hamfest last weekend and getting to see so many Delta Division amateurs at the show. The ARRL booth had a steady flow of visitors and friends dropping by and the flea market was again quite interesting with more than a few gems to be gleaned. I want to thank the Huntsville Hamfest organizers and W4OZK the Southeastern Division Director for the hospitality shown to the Delta Division members in attendance. Our new Vice Director Ed Hudgens, WB4RHQ is settling in to the office and we are pleased to see him join the Delta Division leadership team. I look forward to working with Ed over in the months ahead to continue serving the best division in the ARRL. Ed will be attending several hamfests either with me or in some case on his own depending on what dates the events are scheduled and their locations. QST Youth in the Delta Division! Assistant Director for Youth Aaron Alexander , KI4OTH will be looking to organize some activities for the young hams in the Delta Division. Aaron is working on a youth page and some other things for the division. If you know of any interested young hams in your area, have them contact Aaron at We encourage all young ops in the Delta Division to contact Aaron and pass along your ideas or at least introduce yourselves to him. UPCOMING EVENTS: • 08/24/2013 | Cedars of Lebanon 33rd Annual Hamfest Location: Lebanon, TN Type: ARRL Hamfest Sponsor: Short Mountain Repeater Club Website: 09/06/2013 | 44th Annual Queen Wilhelmina Hamfest Location: Mena, AR Type: ARRL Hamfest Sponsor: Queen Wilhelmina Hamfest Association Website: DELTA DIVISION SEPTEMBER OPERATING EVENTS: Arkansas QSO Party 09/14/13 Tennessee QSO Party 09/02/13 73 ES DX

ARRL Delta Division Director: David A Norris, K5UZ -----------------