Delta Update -August 2013

Post date: Aug 31, 2013 12:32:50 AM

Greeting Delta Division Members and Amateurs: July was very busy with the Programs and Services Committee and ARRL Board meetings. August has been just about as exciting with a new Vice Director, Ed Hudgens, WB4RHQ coming on board to fulfill Glen Clayton, W4BDB’s term. The Delta Division, the leadership and I wish to thank Glen for his service both past and future. We also welcome Ed to the Division and look forward to working with him. Here are the highlights of the July 2013 Programs and Services Committee of the Board of Directors meeting minutes: The July 2013 meeting of the ARRL Program and Services Committee was called to order at 0900 EDT 18July2013 in the upper floor of W1AW, 225 Main Street, Newington, CT. In attendance were: Mr. David Norris K5UZ, Chairman Dr James Weaver, K8JE Mr. Michael Lisenco, N2YBB Mr. Richard Norton, N6AA Mr. Greg Sarratt, W4OZK Mr. Thomas Abernathy, W3TOM Mr. Kermit Carlson, W9XA Mr. Dale Williams, WA8EFK Mr. James Pace, K7CEX Mr. Dave Patton, NN1N Mr. Bruce Frahm, K0BJ joined at 1050 Mr Jay Bellows, K0QB joined at 1255 Dr David Woolweaver, K5RAV joined at 1325 Dr. James Boehner, N2ZZ joined at 1340 Mr. Rick Roderick, K5UR joined at 1500 DXCC Mobile Award Update Mr David Patton, NN1N, brought forth recommendations from the Awards Committee based on previous discussions from the PSC Motioned Mr Abernathy, seconded Dr Weaver to send the recommendation to DXAC (all in favor, motion passed) CAC’s January 2013 Recommendation on creating a SO Ass’d Cat in ARRL 10 & 160m Contests Based upon recommendations from the CAC’s January 2013 report and approved by the Awards Committee , staff is hereby directed to implement a Single Operator Assisted/Unlimited in Category in all ARRL Contests that currently do not allow for that category. Mr. Lisenco, N2YBB and Second Mr Abernathy W3TOM, (1 opposed 1 abstain, 4 in favor; motion passed) Question of a DXCC rule change for Kosovo After discussion it was the unanimous opinion of the Program Services Committee that the present criteria which defines DXCC entities (Point 1) shall not be changed. Mr Weaver Moves, Mr Norris Seconds (6 in favor; motion passed) DXAC Report- Motion to Accept the Report; Mr. Lisenco Moved, Mr. Norris Seconds (6 in favor; motion passed) CAC Report – Motion to Accept the Report; Mr. Norris Moved, Dr Weaver Second; (6 in favor; motion passed) Request to do away with signal reports in ARRL contest. Motion to take no action Moved Dr Weaver, Second Mr Lisneco; (6 in favor; motion passed) Request by members for Review of ARRL FD Contest Rules/ Possible Revisions. Consideration of two FD Rules Change at the request of members . Motion to take no action Moved Dr Weaver, Second Mr Lisenco; (6 in favor; motion passed) VUAC Report Motion to Accept the Report and to accept PSC #1 // PSC #1 // Where as; The VHF-UHF Advisory Committee was created in 2005 to help advise the ARRL Board on the issues relative to VHF-UHF Activities; and Whereas, The VUAC has sought to create a consensus of opinion by communicating with the VHF/UHF operating public; and Whereas, The VUAC has worked to promote increased operation on and awareness of the VHF/UHF spectrum ; Be it hereby resolved that the ARRL Board of Directors sincerely thanks the members of the VHF-UHF Advisory Committee for their service to the American Radio Relay League and to the Amateur Community. Mr. Norris Moved, Dr Weaver Second; (6 in favor, motion passed) Public Relations Committee Report Dr James Boehner presented the remainder report of the Public Relations Committee with information items and no action items. Awards Committee The Program Services Committee discussed the Knight Distinguished Service Award , Technical Innovation Award, Technical Service Award, and the Microwave Development award. //PSC#2 // Whereas, Dr. Robert S. Dixon W8ERD of Delaware, Ohio is recognized for numerous technical contributions to the field of Amateur Radio; and Whereas, he has shared his abilities and enthusiasm for Amateur Radio; and Whereas, he has shared his knowledge through publication of articles in QST and Whereas, He has designed and created one of the first Tactical Communications Bridge systems for his local ARES group and Whereas, he is a Life Member of the American Radio Relay League Be it hereby resolved that Dr. Robert S. Dixon, W8ERD, is awarded the 2013 ARRL Technical Service Award. Moved by Dr Weaver, Seconded by Mr. Sarratt (6 in favor; motion passed) Awards Committee (Continued) //PSC #3// Whereas, Brian D. Justin, WA1ZMS/4 of Forest, Virginia has demonstrated a distinguished lifelong amateur radio career; and Whereas, he has orchestrated expeditions which garnered the first VUCC on 47 GHz, 76 GHz, 122 GHz, 145 GHz and 241 GHz; and Whereas, he has developed and built several homebrew millimeter wave equipped stations; and Whereas, he continues to operates a trans-Atlantic high power 2 meter CW beacon; and Whereas, he operates several repeaters from 146 to 1200 Mhz whereas; and Whereas, he is a Life Member of the American Radio Relay League; Be it hereby resolved that Brian D. Justin, WA1ZMS/4 is awarded the 2013 ARRL Technical Innovation Award. MVP Report- NN1N 1. Everything is going well 2. Reforming the DXCC fees has helped the backlog problem 3. Logbook of the World new 2.0 is performing as intended and the numbers look good 4. Volunteer Programmers are progressing faster than expected Ad Hoc Education Committee Report The members of the Committee were Dr David Woolweaver K5 RAV, Chair; Mr. Michael Lisenco, N2YBB; Kermit Carlson, W9XA. Thanks to the Staff for their help in preparing the committee report by Dr. Woolweaver. A motion was made to extend the work of the Ad Hoc Education Committee until January 2015 Moved by Dr. Weaver, Seconded by Mr. Abernathy (6 in favor, motion passed ) Ad Hoc Clubs Committee Report The members of the Committee were Dr James Weaver, K8JE, Chair; Mr. Michael Lisenco, N2YBB; and Kermit Carlson, W9XA. A discussion of the Committee report was followed by the recommendation to continue present tasking. On the basis of the recommendations of the”Ad Hoc Clubs Committee”, a motion was made by Dr Weaver to direct staff to; A. Place a list of club benefits at a prominent location on the ARRL web site, with readily-visible, direct links to full discussion of each of the benefits. B. Present the club page (at Search for ARRL Affiliated Clubs) as a single page. This page would contain the most important information about a club such as its meeting location and time, contact person and contact information, and a link to the club website and the club e-mail address. C. Develop a more refined search tool for finding local area clubs. The search should list clubs in their order from the one nearest to, to the one furthest from, the inquirer. D. Promote the availability and use of e-mail addresses for affiliated clubs. E. Develop a club forum site. F. Develop a site that contains a library of possible programs that can be used by clubs. Periodic solicitation of members for programs to be reviewed for possible posting at this site could minimize staff effort in managing the site. Using a review team of volunteers for these reviews could facilitate the success of this site by reducing the expenditure of staff time still further. G. It is recommended that hamfest sanctioning be removed from the list of Affiliated Club benefits and be recognized as open to individuals or groups the objectives of which are consistent with the goals and purposes of ARRL. Sanctioning of hamfests should continue to be subject to initial review by staff followed by approval of the local Division Director. Similarly, sanctioning of conventions should continue to be subject to the additional approval of the Executive Committee. Motion by Dr Weaver, Seconded by Mr Lisenco (6- in favor, motion passed) A motion was made by Dr. Weaver to continue with work of the Ad Hoc Clubs Committee until January 2014. Motion by Dr Weaver, Seconded by Mr Lisenco (6- in favor, motion passed) Emergency Preparedness Report Mr. Mike Corey, KI1U presented the emergency preparedness report. In discussions with FEMA regarding the MDEC recommendations it was determined there were way the program could be improved. Key to the success is utilizing the MDEC primarily as a liaison to FEMA Regional Voluntary Agency Liaisons (VAL), state and regional VOAD’s, and regional coordinators of served agencies. In doing so it would keep the MDEC’s connected during times of no disaster and make them a known quantity during times of disaster. The ARESMAP concept can still be included in this modified MDEC plan. The term MDEC may need to be changed to better reflect their function. FEMA is looking into refining the CERT Team concept to include Campus CERT Teams, which is seen by the Mr Corey, the ARRL Emergency Preparedness Manager, as an opportunity. There is a working group for VOAD groups for disaster communications. Mr Corey serves on this committee which expects to have report completed for May 2014. The Section Emergency Coordinators Standards is being presented as optional standards, this information is presented through the website and local presentations. There is a plan to have an SEC webinar in the Fall. ECAC Report- The PSC Chair and the ECAC Liaison will contact the ECAC Committee Chair to refine the detail of tasking. A motion to accept the ECAC report was made by Mr. Sarratt, Second by Mr. Abernathy (6-0 in favor, motion passed) NTS/NTSD Methods, Practices & Guidance of the Public Service Communications Manual Ch 6 A draft of the MPG Chapter 6 was presented; the Program and Services Committee directed staff to review and update the draft for later consideration. Public Service Honor Role Scoring Revisions The NTS Honor Role scoring was discussed. A motion was made directing staff to suggest changes to the PSHR Scoring schedule for the January 2014 PSC meeting. Motion was made by Mr Norris, Second by Mr. Abernathy (6 in favor, motion passed) DXCC Remote Operations Mr David Patton, NN1N, brought forth recommendations on remote operations from the Awards Committee based on previous discussions from the PSC and the DXAC. The recommendations were accepted by the Program and Services Committee for review and later discussion. At 1630PM a motion for recess was introduced by Mr Abernathy, seconded by Dr Weaver until 0830 19th of July 2013 at the Board Room. (6 – 0 in favor, motion passed) Mr. Patton’s remote operations recommendations were sent to the DXAC as part of the tasking for the DXCC Rules Review motion passed by the ARRL Board. The ARRL Board of Directors Meting minutes should be posted on the ARRL website at Delta Division Youth Update by Aaron Alexander, KI4OTH, Delta Division Assistant Director for Youth: As the Director for Youth in the Delta Division, I am planning to contribute to the division website by adding a youth page containing youth-related amateur radio articles. Along with this I am planning on creating a Youth Delta Division Facebook page to connect with the youth webpage. My goal is for division ARRL members to suggest topics which I can research and write about, then post on the youth webpage and link through Facebook. I have also considered contacting any local youth/school amateur radio clubs, but to my knowledge there are no school clubs in the Memphis area. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions! 73 Aaron Alexander, KI4OTH YLRL News- B.J. Byrd, KB5CSQ Hello, Well it’s July already can you believe how fast this year is going by? Lots of YLRL news with Hamcom, Field Day, to July 4th activities and NASA Astronomer news hope you enjoy the reading. Welcome new YLRL members in District 5 area – Judy KF5ERO of Combs, AR, Kelley K5KTX of Quinlan, TX, Shannon W5SEK of Allen, TX and Janet KJ5WRN of Sugarland, TX, who signed up at the YLRL booth at Hamcom. A huge Thank you goes to Judi W0JJ who volunteered to setup the YLRL booth at Hamcom in Plano TX Judi has told me she had a great time and would do it again please see her news below. My OM Ed KA5VFU and I attended Field Day at Hooterville location where the Magnolia DX and the Great Southern DX groups do their contest activities, we operated K5MDX 3A MS and the GOTA station with GOTA Coach MARK W5MDX operated W5NO 3A MS. We had a total of 26 operators and visitors and we were on the air around the clock, had 3 towers with beams, 4 square for receive, a dipole and inverted V and lots of good food, good friends and the weather was nice, rain showers north of our location so the clouds kept us fairly cool. The youth enjoying operating the radios for the first time and Mark W5MDX did a great job as GOTA coach. Thank you to our Field Day Chairman Terry AE5RI who kept everything organized and running smoothly. Garland, TX, Judi W0JJ, Ham Com, in Plano TX on June 7 & 8 was a huge success. I want to thank YLRL members Sallie, AE5OM and Vicky, AE9YL for helping me in the booth. We talked with 70 to 80 people-- YLs, YLs who are Techs studying for General Class Grandpas with their granddaughters, dads with their daughters, OMs with their YLs who are upgrading, and OMs who brought their XYLs by to talk Ham radio. It was fun. We signed 4 new members right on the spot just by offering them a seat to fill out the form and to mail it in for them. They are KJ5WRN, Janet Wrenn from Sugarland, TX; W5SEK, Shannon Kelly from Allen, TX ; KF5ERQ, Judy Seifert from Combs, AR; and K5KTX, Kelley Miller from Quinlan, TX. I had not worked the booth in 10 years. One YL came by and made the comment that there was no Hospitality Sign-in sheet as she had seen in Dayton so I started one. I am so glad we did because now I have a list of those who stopped by; i.e., YLRL members AG6V, Donna Hinshaw and AG6 OW, Linda Postenrieda from Petaluma, CA were here visiting relatives. Most of the names were from TX and OK but I found KD5CCB, Cindy Penry from Glen Burnie, MD. Sallie, AE5OM, told me that we had a YL forum last year. With some planning we can come up with some topics for next year’s Ham Com. I also had flyers on the table for my affiliated club Texas Young Lady’s Round Up Net. We had 12 YLs sign up for our net. That was very exciting because we only have 2 of us on our weekly net right now. We welcome everyone to join us on Thursdays at 7:55AM on 3.947. Thanks to Betty Jo for sending out a request for someone to sit at the YLRL table. It was great to talk ham radio with so many YLs/OMs/XYLS/kids. I hope we can do it again next year. In the pictures, Vicky, AE9YL showing off her new YLRL logo shirt that I embroidered for her; and the other is Judi, W0JJ and Sallie, AE5OM in the YLRL booth at Ham Com. 33, Judi Joyce congratulations on the G Grandkids and 61 years of marriage! Thank you all for sending in your news nice to hear all the radio activity. Remember to check into the YLRL nets and if I can help you with anything please let me know. Betty Jo (BJ) Byrd There are a couple of upcoming operating events next month in the Delta Division of note that I mentioned in a previous bulletin: the Tennessee QSO Party and the Arkansas QSO Party. The 2013 Tennessee QSO Party is 1800z Sunday, September 1 until 0300z Monday, September 2, 2013. The Tennessee QSO Party is hosted by the Tennessee Contest Group. Here is some information from the TCG page: The Tennessee QSO Party is an annual amateur radio event which takes place on either the first or second Sunday of September. All amateur radio operators in the great state of Tennessee are encouraged to participate as antennas around the world rotate and point to the volunteer state. Each year tens of thousands of QSOs occur between Tennessee amateur radio operators and hams worldwide. Personalized plaques are awarded for category winners, along with certificates suitable for framing, magazine subscriptions, and radio kits for other participants. Here are some of the rules: CONTEST PERIOD :1800z Sunday, September 1 until 0300z Monday, September 2, 2013 OBJECT :Stations outside of Tennessee work as many Tennessee stations in as many Tennessee counties as possible. Stations in Tennessee work everyone. BANDS:All amateur bands except 60, 30, 17 and 12 meters are valid. MODES:  Phone (no repeater QSOs)  CW  Digital (RTTY, PSK31, FSK441, JT6M, etc) EXCHANGE: RS(T) and Tennessee County, U.S. state, Canadian province/territory, or DXCC entity. (All radio equipment, including antennas, must be located within the county, state, province/territory or entity given in the exchange). Tennessee stations may work anyone; those outside Tennessee work only Tennessee stations. Stations may be worked once per band/mode. Mobiles may be worked again if they change counties. CATEGORIES: A. Fixed 1.Single-Op 1.(High, Low, & QRP) 2.(CW, phone, data, & mixed) 1.Multi-Op 3.(High, Low, & QRP) 4.(CW, phone, data, & mixed) B. Mobile 1.Single-Op 1.(High, Low, & QRP) 2.(CW, phone, data, & mixed) 1.Multi-Op 1.(High, Low, & QRP) 2.(CW, phone, data, & mixed) High power is more than 150W transmitter output, Low power is 150W transmitter output or less, and QRP is 5W transmitter output or less. All Out-of-State entries compete in the Fixed categories. All Tennessee portable operations compete in the Fixed categories. Mobile stations must be self-contained and capable of legal motion while operating. Motion is optional. Single-Op Mobile may use a driver, but that person may not assist in the operation of the radio equipment. Suggested TQP Frequencies: CW 1815, 3540, 7040, 14040, 21040, 28040 Digital 3585, 7085, 14085, 21085, 28085 SSB 1855, 3820, 7240, 14280, 21390, 28390 VHF/UHF 50.195, 144.195, 146.55, 223.50, 446.0 Check 15 meters on the half-hour, 10 on the hour, and 6 at 1815, 1915, and 2015z. Check RTTY at 10 minutes after each hour, and PSK31 at 20 after. AWARDS:  Certificates will be awarded to the five highest scoring Tennessee entrants in each category.  Certificates will be awarded to the highest scoring entrant from each category in each U.S. state, Canadian province or territory and DXCC entity.  Certificates will be awarded to the first-place Tennessee club, and the first-place outside-Tennessee club.  Certificates will be awarded to all first-time entrants, and to every entry making more than 100 QSOs.  Certificates will be awarded to the top CW-only, top phone-only, and top digital-only entrant in each category.  A certificate will be awarded to the highest-scoring in-state mobile operated entirely by amateurs who don’t reside in Tennessee.  Plaques and other prizes may be awarded at the discretion of TCG. TCG Headquarters station K4TCG and the TCG itself are not eligible for awards. Other awards may be given. Entrants are encouraged to include their birth year with their entries, as special recognition may be given to younger operators LOGS: Indicate band/mode, time, call worked, and QTH. Please include your call sign, category, team (if any), and county (if you’re in Tennessee). Don’t forget your mailing address; you might win something! Mobiles must indicate county changes. Computer logs are encouraged. Cabrillo format is especially appreciated, but any ASCII text format is acceptable. Email logs are best (, but Windows-formatted floppy disks, CDs, or thumb drives are also fine. Be sure to include all required information ā?? including your mailing address, and for Tennessee stations, your county. Template files for the TRLog and NA contest programs are posted on the TNQP Home Page at If you don’t have Internet access, write W9WI at the address below for a copy. Some other contest programs, such as the N1MM Logger (, have support for the Tennessee QSO Party built-in. Logs must be received by 2 October 2013. Thanks! Email logs to: Mail logs to: Tennessee QSO Party c/o Doug Smith, W9WI 1389 Old Clarksville Pike Pleasant View, TN 37146-8098 Visit for more information on the Tennessee QSO Party. TNX to TCG for hosting this event! The 2013 Arkansas QSO Party is Sept 14 2013 and I have included some information from the AQP rules. 1400Z, Sep 14 to 0200Z, Sep 15, 2013 (Local time: 9am – 9pm Central Time, Sep 14, 2013) Rules and other related operating aids (Summary Sheet, Multiplier List, and Operating Tips) available at: Stations outside Arkansas work as many Arkansas stations in as many Arkansas counties as possible. Stations inside Arkansas work everyone on the following bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 and 2 meters. WARC bands are not to be used for this event. Modes for the ARQP include SSB, CW, PSK, RTTY, FM with the suggested QSO frequencies: CW: 3.540, 7.040, 14.040, 21.040, 28.040, 144.040 SSB: 3.850, 7.180, 14.280, 21.380, 28.380, 146.550 PSK / RTTY: 3.580, 7.080, 14.07015, 21.080, 28.080 FM: 146.520 Arkansas stations send signal report and county designator (see Inside Arkansas Multiplier list for your county designator). Non-Arkansas stations send signal report and U.S. State or Canadian Province 2-letter abbreviation, or “DX”. AQP Station categories are as follows: Single-Operator High Power (SSB or mixed mode): 151 watts up to legal band limit Single-Operator Low Power (SSB or mixed mode): 6-150 watts Single-Operator QRP (SSB or mixed mode): 5 watts or less Single-Operator High Power, All CW Single-Operator Low Power, All CW All PSK / RTTY (All power levels) Multi-Operator, Single Transmitter (informal group or club station, all power levels) Multi-Operator, Multi Transmitter (informal group or club station, all power levels) Mobile (All power levels, Single or Multi-Op) Portable (All power levels, Single or Multi-Op) Rover (All power levels, Single or Multi-Op) AQP Scoring is as follows: QSO points – 2 points per CW, PSK or RTTY QSO. 1 point per SSB QSO. (Duplicate QSOs will not be counted.) AQP Bonus Stations 2013 – 200 points each: AA5AR (Amateur Radio Klub of the Arkansas Northwest) K5UZ (Batesville Area Radio Club) Logs may be either paper of electronic Cabrillo format and must be submitted no later than October 11, 2013. 1. Paper logs + AQP Summary Sheet, mail to: Arkansas QSO Party %Don Banta, K5DB 3407 Diana St. Springdale, AR 72764 2. Electronic logs must be submitted in Cabrillo format via e-mail attachment to with the subject line as shown below, and also must include a second attachment containing the Summary Sheet (no zipped files): Example: To: Subject: [Your call] Attachments: 1) [Your call].LOG 2) AQP Summary Sheet.doc ALL LOG SUBMISSIONS, PAPER OR ELECTRONIC, must be accompanied by the Arkansas QSO Party Summary Sheet, available for downloading from the ARKAN website: ARKANSAS QSO PARTY INFORMATION NET If any Arkansas radio amateurs have any questions about operating in the upcoming Arkansas QSO Party in September, they can e-mail the QSO Party Manager, Don Banta – K5DB, at: Or, if you would like to ask Don any questions live and on-air, Don will be conducting a special Arkansas QSO Party Information Net on 3 different dates, as the AQP approaches: Saturday, September 7 the net will convene immediately following the Saturday Arkansas Razorback Net which begins at 6:30 pm Central time on 3.987.5 kHz. Please feel free to check-in to any of these special nets. Don will be happy to discuss any topics and/or field any questions about the Arkansas QSO Party that you might have. For more information visit Or email Don Banta, K5DB at TNX to the ARKAN club for sponsoring this event and to K5DB for working out the details! Upcoming Hamfests and Conventions: • 08/24/2013 | Cedars of Lebanon 33rd Annual Hamfest Location: Lebanon, TN Type: ARRL Hamfest Sponsor: Short Mountain Repeater Club Website: 09/06/2013 | 44th Annual Queen Wilhelmina Hamfest Location: Mena, AR Type: ARRL Hamfest Sponsor: Queen Wilhelmina Hamfest Association Website: 09/21/2013 | All-Arkansas Hamfest Location: Little Rock, AR Type: ARRL Hamfest Sponsor: Central Arkansas Radio Emergency Net (CAREN) Website: 09/21/2013 | ARRL Day in the Park Location: Brandon, MS Type: ARRL Hamfest Sponsor: ARRL MS Section & Central Mississippi ARA Website: 09/27/2013 | SEDCO/W4DXCC IX Convention Location: Pigeon Forge, TN Type: ARRL Convention Sponsor: Southeastern DX & Contesting Organization, Inc. Website: That's a wrap! Until next time, Vice Director Hudgens, WB4RHQ and K5UZ extend 73 ES GUD DX! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRL Delta Division Director: David A Norris, K5UZ --------------------------------------------------------------------