Rutherford County Tennessee & Surrounding Counties Repeaters

Post date: Sep 11, 2016 12:48:14 AM

Rutherford County Tennessee & Surrounding Counties Repeaters

compiled by KI4NDN 09/10/2016

Rutherford County Tennessee is bordered by (7) seven counties.

1. North NE lies Wilson County

2. East lies Cannon County

3. South SE lies Coffee County

4. South lies Bedford County

5. South SW lies Marshall County

6. West lies Williamson County

7. North West lies Davidson County

I would encourage all Counties to add the adjoining County Amateur Radio Repeater Frequencies to their list of emergency contacts. Along with monitored per-determined Simplex Frequency.

Rutherford Frequencies

146.610 -156.7 N2YCX (Open)

145.1700 -114.8 KU4B (Open)

145.230 -114.8 W4CAT (Open)

Simplex 146.475 Simplex Net first Tuesday of the month @ 7:30 p.m.

RCARES Net Tuesday's 7:30 p.m. 145.230 -114.8

ICS 205 Rutherford County ARES

1.Operations non-linked N2YCX Repeater ARES 146.610 - 156.7

2. Simplex 146.475 (No Tone)

3.Operations Linked 145.230 -114.8

Wilson County North of Rutherford

146.8350 -100.0 W4LYR (Open)

147.1050 +156.7 WC4AR (Open)

444.9500 +118.8 km4ghm (Open)

Simplex 146.415

Wilson Co. ARES Information Net Thursdays 7:00 pm

Cannon County East of Rutherford

145.4900 -100.0 WB4LHO (Open)

146.910 – W4YXA (Open)

Dekalb/ Cannon Amateur Radio Club, Weekly ARES Training Net

When – every Tuesday Night Where – 145.490- ( no tone) Time : 7:00p.m.

Coffee County South East of Rutherford

146.7000 -114.8 K4EGC V

443.2250 +127.3 KF4TNP (Open)

444.0750 +127.3 KF4TNP (Open)

Bedford County South of Rutherford

147.06000 +127.3 KI4NJJ (Open)

442.7000 +100.0 KK4LFI (Open)

443.3500 +127.3 WA4AWI (Open)

Weekly Monday 7:30 PM BCARS ARES Net South Bedford County Repeater 147.060 Repeater +

Marshall County South West of Rutherford

146.6250 -107.2 (Open)

442.1000 +107.2 KF4TNP (Open)

Williamson County West of Rutherford

53.0500 -114.8 WA4BGK (Open)

145.2100 -173.8 WC4EOC (Open)

WCARES Net Monday Night 7:00 p.m.

Davidson County North West of Rutherford

53.0100 -107.2 WA4BGK (Open)

145.1100 -250.3 W4RFR (Open)

146.6400 -114.8 AF4TZ (Open)

146.6700-114.8 AF4TZ (Open)

146.7600 – WA4PCD (Open)

146.9550 -114.8 W4CAT (Open)

147.0150 +114.8 AF4TZ (Open)

147.1800 + DSTAR K4CPO (Open)

147.3700 – WR3S (Open)

442.7500 +100.0 WA4RCW (Open)

442.8000 +107.2 NE4MA (Open)

442.9500 +167.9 KF4TNP (Open)

444.1500 +107.2 AF4TZ (Open)

444.5250 +107.2 WA4BGK (Open)

444.6250 +107.2 WA4TOA (Open)

DCARES Net Monday's 7:00 p.m. 442.750 Tone 100.0