Amateur Radio Services

Post date: Sep 26, 2013 10:45:43 PM

Tidbits From:

Amateur Radio Services

The FCC established amateur radio as a voluntary, non-commercial, radio communications service. It allows licensed operators to improve their communications and technical skills, while providing the nation with a pool of trained radio operators and technicians who can provide essential communications during emergencies.

Amateur Service During Government Disaster Drills

    • During emergencies, amateur radio operators may transmit messages to other amateur stations, subject to the privileges authorized for the class of license the amateur station control operator holds. For these transmissions, no special FCC permissions are required. Some amateur radio operators coordinate their communications through groups referred to as "networks" or "nets."

Tidbits From:

Curt Bartholomew, Senior Emergency & Continuity Manager, PSHSB (N3GQ)