WD4DJW Lowell Bennington Silent Key 12/26/2014

Post date: Dec 30, 2014 12:23:44 AM

GA All,

It is with great sadness that I relay the news of yet another loss in

the amateur community. Friday, December 26, 2014 Lowell Bennington,

WD4DJW, an Assistant Director for the ARRL Delta Division and a Past

Section Emergency Coordinator for the ARRL Tennessee Section passed

away after succumbing to complications from his long bout with cancer.

Lowell was a good friend to many of in Tennessee as well as in the Delta

Division. I first met Lowell some years back while working on joint TN/

AR Section Emcomm matters and later as Vice Director and Director on the

Division level. I personally found Lowell to be a good man and pleasant

fellow to be around.

Lowell’s MARS call was NNN0FLB and he was very active in all the TEMA

exercises, NIMS and AUXCOM classes over the years. Brock Bennington,

KG4VUL is Lowell’s son and he is also quite active in Emcomm work as

one would expect.

I have not yet learned of any memorial service details, but I will

provide them as soon as I get word. Please pray for Lowell and his

family. Perhaps we should start a TN/Delta Emcomm scholarship fund in

Lowell’s memory?

TNX Glen Clayton, W4DBD and David Wolfe, WA4VVX for the information.

73 ES DX



ARRL Delta Division

Director: David A Norris, K5UZ
