APRS Digipeating and Path Selection 101

Post date: Aug 10, 2013 11:37:36 PM

Tidbits From: http://wa8lmf.net/DigiPaths/

This discussion starts by describing the traditional APRS path conventions now considered obsolete. This makes the reasons behind the "New Paradigm" shift to exclusively WideN-n type paths (that do away with RELAY and plain WIDE), easier to understand.

The primary reason for the shift is that stand-alone digipeaters based on Kantronics KPC3+ TNCs effectively suppress duplicate transmissions based on N-n type paths but DON'T duplicate-filter on WIDE or RELAY. The original conventions were established over a decade ago. Today, there is so much traffic on APRS that channel congestion generated by needless duplicate packets generated by stupid digipeaters is a major problem.

Today's Recommended Path Settings