Field Day 2013 Practice Safety

Post date: Jun 21, 2013 2:50:20 AM

Every participant at every field day site is a part of the Safety of the overall event. Be alert and practice safety in all areas. Tell someone if you see something that is an accident waiting to happen. Simple common sense can avoid most accidents. Be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem. Below is a link to a Field Day pdf file from ARRL.

Have Fun and be SAFE.



A couple of hints that might help you make your event even more successful might come in handy. Remember:that while one of the purposes of the event is to have fun, you need to practice safety

as well.

Having a safety officer for the site is a good idea. Make certain antennas are safely away from power lines. Generators should be grounded properly and operated carefully. Guy wires for temporary structures or towers need to be well marked. The safety officer needs to work closely with the Field Day Chairman to ensure everyone has a safe, as well as fun time.


2013 Field Day Packet pdf