TPE en 1ere S SI

Les élèves vous présentent leurs TPE ( Travaux personnels encadrés : 2 heures x 15 semaines ) réalisés durant l'année de 1ere.

2017 / 2018


by Jeanne, Ewann, Maylis and Dorian.


by Victor, Jim and Keriann

2016 / 2017


by Théo, Julie, Titouan and Florian


by Erwann, Hugo, Noah, Mael and Axel


by Eric, Thibault, Rachel and Lucie

2015 / 2016


by Nina, Léa, Sheenan et Kenan


How to protect hens from foxes ?

by Arthur, Maxime, Romain and Yann.

2014 /2015

Automatic gate :

Our project is to create a gate that can be controlled thanks to a smartphone. After comparing the various possible solutions, we chose the bluetooth control. Following the selection of the project, we began the programming and implementation of the model. We shared out the various tasks in two groups: one takes care of the electronic part while the other is in charge of the mechanical. Learning how to use a new software and solving problems are the main issues we have to face in the daily life of our TPE group.

Dorian, Pierre Alan, Franck et Pablo.

Automatic kibbles distributor :

Our project aims at making an automatic kibble distributor for cats. We thought that would be interesting to design such an item to enable pet owners to feed their cat when away from home.

Kibbles are stocked in a big tank linked to an extruded cube, which translates to route the kibbles to another hole. Then kibbles fall into the bowl.

The distributor will be waterproof, stable and autonomous. Thus the cat will be provided with a meal every 12 hours or more since you can always push a button to get an extra meal.

With this distributor your cat will be able to feed itself. The only thing you will have to do is to refill the tank once a week.


How to secure the access to a train ?

The goal of our TPE project is to automate and secure the access to a train. Here is a screenshot of our program and what it should look like in the end : like the Solidworks modelisation. We are four students on this project, two of us work on the program (left pic) and all the electronics and the other two work more on the mechanical side, like the modelisation (right pic). We usually meet up at the begining of the session, to see what we have to do and then, at the end we meet up again to check what we’ve achieved and decide on what we will be doing during the next session .

Guillian, Colin, Colyn et Raphael.

The Polisher robot :

Our projet in TPE is a polisher robot. We first started by taking a frame which was available on a robot at scgool then we added a couple of brushes. Thanks to a programmation the robot can move avoiding obstacle such a furniture for instame. The robot boasts many advantages. Indeed it is autonomous, light and has a simple use. However, you have to make sure that the area to be cleaned has first been delimited to enable the polisher device to know where to work. To put it a nutshell, this household robot aims at making the housewife's life easier as it avoids a chore which is not only boring but also tiring.

Enora, Quentin, Thomas

2013 / 2014

THE ROBOTIC HAND ( vidéo ) :