Fête de la science

Post date: Oct 17, 2014 9:45:46 PM

Vendredi 17 Octobre : 2 animations scientifiques Université de Bretagne Sud :

Ecoutez donc ça !

Les technologies numériques.

This activity was carried out by a Music professor at the University of Bretagne Sud during the Science Festival.

Four main stages are necessary to obtain a sound :

.The triangular signal looks like a richer sinusoid in harmonious and the sound gets closer to an oboe.

.The uneven signal contains for its part all the harmonious of decreasing amplitude and the sound correspondant is rather rich and copper-colored.

It was an interesting workshop which enabled us to grasp how a sound actually works.

The professor first started to explain the functioning of the sound.

The envelope of a sound is constituted by the attack, then the sound decreases (Decay) to reach a period of stability (Sustain time), finally the sound goes out gradually ( Release).

.A sinusoid produces a devoid, a very pure simple sound of harmonious

.The square signal contains only harmonious odd of decreasing amplitude.

.Raw (gross), a little bit hollow sound, gets closer to a clarinet.

During the digital activity we met teachers and students who introduced their specialities and their school career.

First, using guinea pigs we tested a software that detects the spot on which we set our eyes, a process used by big brands in poster campaigns to know what we first look at on posters so as to improve them. This process is also used by paralyzed people to turn the pages of a book with an end page sensor.

Then, we piloted monitor drones created at the University of Bretagne Sud after we were explained their usefulness.

Furthermore, they showed us a program that controls a set of observation drones from a tablet or a computer at home.

Finally, we saw another program used to control and retrieve the data recorded by a network of sensors especially used by the army.

Pablo, Dorian, Quentin & Enora

Conférence : L'éolien.

We went to the science festival on October the 17th to attend a conference on wind turbines.

A former technician was there to explain us the principle of hydro-eolians, the best place where to place them and which new companies are developing them.

He told us about the possibility to produce energy from renewable marine resources.

Different energy resources such as wind, currents, waves and heat were presented and several examples of available technologies were discussed.

The sea is complex and is a good example of GIS (Geographic Information System) when applied to the tide. So it affects the parameters concerning the installation of the machines.

Simon, Loïs, Gurvan & Johan

Le bac à sable.

The "sandbox" activity dealt with the geometry of the slope and its properties. This presentation was made by Colin Pawlowski, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Bretagne Sud and Florian Bonhomme, Physics Assistant Engineer

Both teachers first told us that the liquid took the shape of the container in which it is put while keeping its gauge line parallel to the ground. Meanwhile grains like sand took the shape of the container forming a bank that has a specific angle depending on each type of seed.

When we pour sand on a specific shape, it forms sand ridges which vary, for example in this picture, there are four edges. The angle between the edge and the platform is called the angle of repose. It is written with α and it is expressed in degrees. Each edge is a bisector of an angle.

Pierre-Alan, Franck, Colin & Guillian