PID en term S SI

Les élèves vous présentent leurs PID ( Projets Inter Disciplinaires : 2 heures / semaines ) réalisés durant l'année de terminale.

2017 / 2018

Nicolas at work :

2015 /2016


by Martin, Patrick, Maxime and Jeremy.

( Martine, St Patrick, Maximo and Jérémiade )


by Enora, Colyn and Antoine

2014 / 2015


The purpose of our PID is to be able to monitor a place such as a museum as well as possible. To tackle this problem we decided to command a remote camera. To have the best possible surveillance we chose to broadcast the image permanently on a smartphone, and to add a sensor of presence at night thus if a presence is detected, a series of led will switch on.

Aurélien : the broadcast of the video,Glenn : the remote control Romain : the motorization of the cameraTanguy : the detection.


Our project is an autonomous isolated sheepfold. We use a solar panel to bring energy to the system. We use batteries to store energy because it has to be autonomous even if there is no or little sunshine for a long time. The project is made of two different parts : a simulation part because we have to represent what would happen in a real sheepfold but we are also working at creating a model with a solar panel and 12v batteries. It will enable us to understand the working of the system. Florian, Alex, Julian, Nicolas and Pierre.


The goal of our PID is to modify the speed of the motor. To carry out our task, we will be working on an electric skateboard model. This will enable us to work with electronic and mecanic materials. Electronic is for the command, and mecanic is for the skateboard and the transmission.

Morgan : electric partMathys : research and prototype Vincent : electric and mecanic parts


The purpose of our PID is to be able to provide our cat with food when we are not at home. It also can serve water when the cat needs it. This prototype is made for the comfort of our pet and to meet its needs. We have done our best so that your cat is overjoyed and make your life easier during your roadtrip. With this product your cat will never be hungry while staying fit. You won't have to worry anymore as no other cat will be able to steal lthe food from yours thanks to the latest security door available on the market. All that for a smile of your cat and at a reduced price. To change your life the «SALINGNATOR 2.0» is now available on ssicolbert.

Antoine : Programmation

Cedric : Conception

Yann : CAO

Guilian : Programmation


Our wheeler is aimed at detecting radioactivity in a bellicose environment and taking a sample for further analysis. It’s also able to find out the wind direction and intensity. It prevents the pilot from any harm by beeing remote-controlled.

Tanguy: Motors choices.

Valentin: Compteur geiger, programme général.

Thibault: Communication de toutes nos données.

Yann: CAO générale et création d’une pince.

Julien: Anémomètre, girouette et caméra/écran.