The Machines !

Post date: Oct 18, 2014 12:00:48 PM

Jeudi 9 Octobre à Nantes : découverte des Machines de l'Ile.

We visited this exhibition on October 9th. We left Colbert High School at 8:00 a.m after a two-hour drive, we first visited Airbus then we boarded the coach to get to Nantes. We arrived at noon and all lunched on sandwiches in a nearby park. We then started the visit which began by a presentation of the latest project called “The Tree Herons”.

It looks like a giant tree made of wood and metal, in this giant tree there are many little mechanical features, like a caterpillar for instance. Thanks to a few handles, it is possible to pilot this mechanical creature. This new attraction will also feature herons which will fly above this tree. It will seat four people, two of them will be able to control this giant bird. It’s a very big project, hard to achieve because of the impressive size of this tree. The company in charge wants to install this tree in front of the Loire River. During this exhibition we also got to see a mechanical caterpillar and an ant. This day out was very pleasant and we really enjoyed all these creations as they are obviously hard to build so we were impressed by the elaboration of these mechanical creatures which were fantastic. This tree will be built in future, very soon I think.

The visit went on with a show in which a plane tried to fly despite a stormy weather. It was enjoyable to see because there was a lot of humour

Finally, we saw the elephant which is a very impressive wooden creature. We liked this day out as that was pleasant and great fun.

Adrien, Théo, Arnaud et Théodore.