Le 12 11 2015 : Visite du tribunal de Lorient.

Post date: Nov 24, 2015 7:01:44 PM

On thursday 12th of november . We went to the courthouse to see some process .

We saw four process . The first process it was a man who beat his wife because he saw some compromising messages between his wife and an other man . During his process the man tried to reduce the fact and his action against his wife .

At final of the deliberation he had 6 months firm .

The second process it about steal of parfums . The twice persons who are judged are not coming . The sentence it some suspended sentence .

The third process it about a women who no respected the parental law . The woman not respected this law because the man who thought be the father are not the father of the children . This man said that even he was not the father he had parental connection with the children . After this process the woman and the man had an other process but with the familly court judge in order to determinate if the man conserve his parental law.

The fourth process, it was about a man, he insulted and spat on a policeman. The man who was judge not coming, and so we don’t know the sentence.

Actually it was very interesting and we could saw that the purpose of Justice is to to protect the rest of the society also from moral harassment, acts of violence, verbal abuse, road rage that can have terrible consequences.

The punishments make people think about their crime, should fit to the crime, shouldn't be cruel or unusual and everybody deserves a second chance.

At the end the Judge is alone to choose the punishments, it's not an easy job, Judiciary system can make mistakes....

Arthur, Brieuc and Mathis.