10/03/2014 - Pall to Install Monitoring Wells in the Honey Creek Area

Here are SRSW's comments regarding Pall's Plan for the Installation of Monitoring Wells in the Honey Creek Area...

It's good that Pall is voluntarily evaluating the spread of its dioxane at less than 85 ppb but fails to mention why: The long overdue tightening of drinking water criteria for dioxane ... MDEQ has delayed its adherence to the 2010 US EPA IRIS Report on 1,4-dioxane Human Health Assessment which should put Michigan's dioxane standard at 3.5 ppb, down from its current 85 ppb.

No mention of earlier Pall/Gelman projections of dioxane plume/flow in the Little Lake area:

Pall should determine where the dioxane is spreading at the level of detect (1 ppb if using its current chemical analysis method for dioxane, Method 1624 Revision B; less than 1 ppb if using the more recent USEPA approved analytical method for dioxane, Method 522).

Attachment 1 map shows wells for which Pall has not shared its well location data (HCMW's & "known active drinking water wells")

We should have a public meeting to properly inform the affected neighborhoods of current cleanup issues before any drilling permissions are granted and permits are issued.