2000/03/05-Michigan's Attorney General sues Pall-Gelman

Post date: Sep 01, 2014 3:51:56 AM

March 5, 2000

In February 2000, Michigan's Attorney General sued Pall-Gelman Sciences Inc. for numerous violations of the 1992 Consent Judgement and not doing the protective cleanup promised.

SRSW hopes that the $4.2 million of fines assessed will convince Pall-Gelman to finally sit down with citizens and local governments to reach a community-acceptable solution to this 34 year old contamination problem.

We were on our way to such a solution in 1995-1996 just before Pall took over Gelman Sciences, but the company reneged on its promises and went back to the old Chuck Gelman plan to dump high levels of 1,4-dioxane into Honey Creek where it can seep to groundwater aquifers and enter the Ann Arbor water supply.

Pall-Gelman just switched back to the same law firm to handle cleanup issues that Chuck Gelman used when he was in charge.

This is an indication that rather that adding additional treatment capacity to do the effective and protective, community- acceptable cleanup it promised to do, Pall-Gelman still wants to spend money on lawyers to fight against a proper cleanup.

Watch this site for more on the lucrative business opportunities Pall Corp is missing by taking this public-be-damned approach.