
Parallel Studies and Flight Training

Students need to study ground school related items while at the time they progress in their flight training towards their private pilot certificate and silver badge.

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Welcome to the Soaring Club of Houston (SCOH). One of the benefits of being a SCOH member is that flight instructors volunteer their time at no cost to you. This applies equally to those without any previous flying experience and experienced pilots requiring orientation, a refresher flight or a Flight Review.

SCOH functions by each of its active members performing scheduled duty on a regular basis. Our Certificated Flight Instructors, Glider (CFIG's) have all chosen flight training as their way to contribute towards the club’s activities. Their goal is to train pilots to be safe and competent soaring pilots. As a group, we aim to help get everyone their Private rating as a minimum and also to provide cross-country instruction to those who aspire to “go places”.

Most of the flight instruction is done on weekends. Flight instruction may also be available when weekday flying is conducted. Subject to other demands in our lives most instructors are also willing to help at other times on specific matters including ground instruction. This is particularly useful at key stages such as preparing for FAA practical test.

If you are already glider rated at Private, Commercial or 

instructor, welcome too. We're delighted to have you join us and glad for you to share your knowledge, experience and perspective! You will need a familiarization flight at

our field and a checkout/briefing for each type of club aircraft you intend to fly. You will soon be asked to help out with club activities in an appropriate role.
