Access Help

Google Account ID

The first step for SCOH Members: SCOH needs your Google Account ID if you have not already registered it with us. Go HERE and follow the directions on the right side of the page.

Why does SCOH want my Google ID?

You will need a Google ID to access the SCOH Members Site. We need to know your Google ID to update the list of people who should have access. You will need access to the SCOH Members Site in order to access the directory and the discussion groups as well as many other functions. The last paper member directory will be in Jan 2012 and the Yahoo Groups will be shutdown in early 2012.


Once you register your Google Account ID with SCOH (see above), invitations to join the different duty Calendars will be sent to the email address that you listed as your Google Account when you registered it with us. You need to check the inbox of the email that you registered with us to find your calendar invitations. You need to “Accept” the invitation before you are able to create and edit events on the calendars. 

Click HERE for help making changes to the calendar > you may need to login > read the directions.


Invitations to join the different SCOH Discussion Groups will be sent to you once you register your Google Account ID with SCOH(see left side of this page). You need to check the inbox of the email address that you registered with us to find the discussion group invitations. You need to “Accept” the invitation before you are able to send and receive messages to each of the discussion groups. 

Follow this path if you are not sure if you have accepted the discussion group invitation:

Click HERE > you may need to login > select the discussion group that you want to check. If you can get to the group page (looks much different than the SCOH website), then you have already accepted the invitation. If you have not accepted the invitation, Google will make that clear and give you an opportunity ask to join the group. 

Follow this path to tell Google how to send discussion group emails to the email address of your choice:

Click HERE > you may need to login > Follow the directions