Online Contest


The OLC, Online Contest, is an informal and friendly internet competition where glider pilots upload their GPS data files and are automatically scored based on factors such as distance and achieved speed.

More than 10,000 pilots worldwide participate in the OLC and the numbers are growing every year. The OLC is an excellent chance for pilots to improve their skills. By analyzing and comparing flight statistics on OLC, or by downloading the flights logs for a more detailed PC analysis, pilots can see the specifics of why another pilot was able to fly further and faster - a great learning tool.

For a more detailed description of the OLC, how to use it, and how to maximize your flight scores, see the series of OLC articles in our club newsletters, from November 2013 to August 2015.

Example OLC Flight

National Standing for "OLC Club - USA"

Over the last decade, SCOH has grown their cadre of Cross Country pilots and this is reflected in our OLC standing as a club. Click on the links below to see how SCOH did relative to other clubs around the USA.

View Recent Individual Flights

2017 SCOH Club Member Flights

The easiest way to view an individual flight is to click on one of the links above then click on the "i" in the "Info" column.  There are many other ways to see more details as well as watch the flights unfold in different perspectives by using other file viewers. More Information...


Click HERE for the rules for the more than 10 types of competitions that OLC has created to foster friendly competition in specific groups or regions around the world.

Maximize Your OLC Points

One of our SCOH club members has studied the rules closely and has assembled some ADVICE that you should read to help maximize your OLC scoring.

This example flight of 860 kilometers was accomplished by one of SCOH's active cross country and competition pilots.