OLC Advice

Rules Source

Scoring - OLC Plus (the 2011 standard)

Water Ballast

1000m Rule

Start/End Locations

Calculated Speed

Other Scores


Seems the best strategy for highest score would be to plan the largest triangle possible, making the shortest leg at least 28% of total length (if >500k, shortest leg at least 25%, longest no more than 45%), to maximize OLC-FAI portion of the points. If finish with soaring weather remaining, could fly another smaller out-and-back or triangle to increase Distance points. Given that speed doesn't count in points, best to start on course as soon as the weather supports XC. (This strategy of course differs from contest rules and those practicing for SSA contests might want to practice contest starts and finishes which would generally constrain OLC points.)

For friendly competition on weekends, it would seem that a triangle Area Task with fairly large TP area radii would be ideal. Allows for various performance gliders to fly the same course, allows contest practice, and optimizes OLC points.