Drogo Empedocles Art

     Digital and Physical Renderings by Drogo Empedocles

        Prints and Originals for SALE!!! Find me on Patreon, Etsy, etc.

                 Artist Drogo Empedocles - Drawing Publicly since 1983 - Hire me to do a portrait for you HERE !!!

                   Questions about purchasing originals or prints ($10+) please email drogo76@hotmail.com

                     When you buy my work it helps collaboration and support of other artists.


Black/White/Grey Drawings

Color Paintings by Brush

Architectural Drawings

More Digital Art




Most of my work is an online public collection!


VIDEO Gallery:  Bog Peep Video 1, Bog Peep Video 2, General Collection 1

Links:  SCOD Homepage, BOG Peeps Gallery, Stowell Galleries, HERMIT Esoteric Magazine

Questions about purchasing originals or prints ($10+) please email drogo76@hotmail.com

"If you express yourself, you are an artist." - Drogo's Art Theory of Animals


"Despite any failures, success in the arts is about sustaining what we love doing. Art is a language in culture that can cross class boundaries, so by sharing our expressions with each-other we can allow even the poorest among us to have a social support network." - Drogo H.F. after writing 'Way Too Much', 2015

"To consumer society, please respect artists by paying us enough to live on. Artists are people that have bills to pay too. 

You can use much of my work as Creative-Commons, but please reference my full name so people can find me if they want more of my work. 

Thank you for your interest, and taking the time to read this." - Open Letter to Capitalism, Drogo 2016

"You all have beautiful faces. I love to study the secrets about popular cultural perceptions of 'beautiful faces', and i think it is worth sharing my thoughts on the art of faces. The two basics that come to mind are eyes and simplicity of lighting, we are wired to go for those it seems. Lighting easily overly complicates or simplifies skin tone. 

Some people who love realism, like myself also love details and shadows that are not as flattering, but that is less popular as light is often more attractive than the darker sides of life in popular culture, for several reasons, including that light can give a simple image of form to retain in memory."

- Drogo after completion of 'Horned Goddess Between Birch & Beech', 2019

"In Art, non-attachment helps to sell art and reduce egotism, and yet to place value upon an object and accept payment for an expression of the self is attachment to self-worth (even if we let the object go); for the artist and indeed all people this a paradox in life between being spiritual and being realistic (materialist capitalist)." 

- Drogo considering Gallery shows based on past experiences with consignment and businesses

~ Even in Death, We Live On ~


Drogo's Books use his art!

Buy his Art on printable items - Fine Art America, Etsy

See also Art Works By Walton - online portfolio
