Harpers Faery Chronicles

Harpers Faery Chronicles (HFC)

Fantasy Book Series by Drogo Empedocles:

The HFC Trilogy 

Harpers Faery Outlaws

Harpers Faery Sevel War

Harpers Faery Fellows

Multiple Choice ISS

Harpers Faery Fellowship

Further HFC Adventures & Additional References

Harpers Faery Magic

Harpers Faery Architecture

Harpers Faery Arts & Crafts

Harpers Faery Land

Harpers Faery Poems

Harpers Faery Mythos

HFO Excerpts - Introductions & Essays

HFSW Excerpts - Tena and Tamie

Harpers Faery Village

HFC Area Map

Harpers Faery Penn-Point w/ 6 Faeries

Castle Charles


Audio-book readings by the author:

Harpers Faery Outlaws - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8,

Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20

Harpers Faery Sevel War - Part 1, Part 2


Harpers Faery Outlaws T-shirts (limited edition of 5)


Harpers Faery Outlaws Music Soundtrack Album

Audio Album and Videos: Mythos, Flight, Battle, Slaves



Literary Literal Hidden Treasures

In some books, some authors (such as myself) describe the hiding places of treasures they have hidden in the 'real world'.

There are various clues in the texts and illustrations.

Ancient secret magic riddles written around the events of the Sevel War, describe treasure maps.

Four long mountains in four faery kingdoms, were rounded and pounded by the elements of Time. Ae raised by Cronae grow, live, and decay. Ae raised by Gaea nurture, love, and create.  Ae raised by Ourizon change, conquer, and travel.

Four faery treasures from four faery kingdoms, were taken to safety when humans shed blood. In the north, south, east, and west came magic relics, from verdant river flood plains, to rocky mountain tops.

The treasures were placed in magic egg voids, and buried at sacred sites in sacred places; off the high path and through the woods, where rocks talk and trees have faces. May the gods and goddesses protect them, and keep our secret relics safe, for children of the future to find and use for the good of all faery-kind.


“Atop the mountain of Loud Heights, below an old oak tree at its trunk, beneath a rock small enough for a gnome to lift, but large enough for a dwarf to sit upon, is a tiny magic white rock. One foot deep is Kathon's treasure to keep.”

Kathon the Centaur's Sun Bracelet - Last owned, worn, and used by Queen Equisa, this magic wristlet grants the wearer powers of warmth, healing, charisma, and when it is charged with Sun-light it can harness and conduct light beams able to blind, burn skin, and start fires. Be warned!


"Near Ranger Crampton's Log Cabin camp sites are Pickwick's kicks. 48 steps down from S.B.C., the sacred heart and arrow beech tree; to the fallen tree whose roots are an upturned mound. Hemi-burrows hold the treasure sure to amuse, Pickwick's Copper Shoes.

WR+MM+Sarah twin tower


Moonstone of Hecate in a Hollow Tree


Brass Plate under the Stone Altar of the Broken Branch Battle-forest


by Drogo Empedocles and friends