I. Take the I-Pod

I. Taking the I-Pod, you thank the host, and leave.

In SCOD it is not enough merely to take something when offered. It is polite to take what is offered, and if you do not then you should apologize and explain why you cannot take on the burden of the gift. However, beyond accepting gifts, there is the law of Reciprocal Maintenance. The principle of equal trade is very important to SCOD, so even when something is given “freely”, it is fair that something be given in return. This act of giving and receiving helps to establish a relationship of trust, that is often missing in most of civilization. In Capitalism, there is a trade of money for products, but there is no trust between the all powerful large corporation and the small helpless individual.

If you do not give back to the community in substantial ways, you need to leave.

Well your journey with SCOD is at an end for now. We are sorry you probably do not have enough SCOD values to be a member of the community at this time. We invite you to work on yourself, and do your own thing; away from us. So mote it be. THE END
