SCOD Alternative Art Galleries

Sustainable Cooperative for Organic Development Art Shows

This site is for SCOD related artwork, videos, photographs, collections, recording, music, and other sounds or images by SCOD members, associates, or anyone whose work serves as a public inspiration. It is meant only to share inspirations, and not concerned with profit or copyrights. Creative Commons Collaborative License (CCC).


SCOD Fallout Film

SCOD Audio Show

SCOD Musical Art

SCOD Written Studies

SCOD Member Projects

SCOD Associate Links

SCOD Case Study Images

Image Gallery of SCOD Case Studies (mostly non-SCOD existing works)

SCOD Case Study Projects List

Menu List of SCOD Member Projects with related links

SCOD Case Study Alternative Fuel Vehicles

SCOD Urban Development: Design & Theory for Cities, Towns, and Sub-Urbs

SCOD Rural Case Studies: Design & Theory for Villages and Country-side

SCOD Videos

Youtube Channels: SCODgreenhouse, SCOD, Harpers Outlaw, Notlaw76, Blueharpfairy73, Redferrydwarf69, Oddfellova, Drogo Empedocles, etc...

SCOD Games

Video Games: SCOD Quest 1: Search for Community


2017 Ecological Protest Award - granted to Jessie East of Hands Across the Potomac

Prizes: A special sustainable architectural model for the organizer, a solar energy book, environmental history book, Barnes & Noble Punctuate Eco-book hand-crafted in Nepal, SCOD Economics book, bumper stickers, thank you letter, and Award Coins :)


SCOD Homepage Link: SCODpub

SCOD Blog Website: Main Menu