A. Visit the ESP House

A. You decide to visit the ESP, Ecological Squash Pod. The resident SCOD member is outside, waiting to invite you inside.

Nestled into the hillside, under a tangle of vines and shrubs, is a small organic saucer shaped house. Its chimney pokes out above the contours of the landscape like a tall tree stump. The chimney cap has a thermal wind turbine, the walls have thermal mass, and the windows have multiple layers. The southern windows have a trellis to block the high Summer sun, but allow Winter solar gain on the masonry floor all day. The resident invites you inside.

The small ESP door opens into a vestibule, that descends with a staircase that wraps around the main chimney nucleus. Most of the walls curve up to form a dome around the central hearth stack. The main living space has furs and soft pillows on low seating surrounding an open area in front of the hearth. The views out to the forest and farm, are amazing.

During the tour you observe several features of the dwelling that could be improved upon. Also the tea the resident gave you tastes too strong for your tastes. You could comment and try to correct what you see as wrong, to try to help them to make things better with suggestions. Or you could thank them and continue on your way. If you criticize them, perhaps they will see the logic in your opinion, and thank you for it. Then again, perhaps you are full of shit.

Now decide again:

D. Transform your negative feelings, or at least demote them in importance to allow you to thank them, and continue on your way.

E. Attempt to point out their faults, clearly and with firm logic.
