SCOD Member Project Lists

Drogo Empedocles - Art, Music, Books, Architecture, Videos

"When I document reality for the sake of history, it is not just about edited perfection of selected quality; but more importantly a quantity of examples to represent a range of accurate expressions of being. An adult may have better skills than a child, but is the value of a child only in their potential, or do they have value in being what they are? The same question can be asked regarding any living being."

SCOD President - 2016-2020 ; 2014-2015 ; 2013 ; 2012 ; 2011 ; 2010

BOG Peeps Book - FB Page, SCOD Blog, Art Portfolio

Schoen-Shire, Facebook Account, Patreon


Aeyla Love of the Hill People - Art, Photos, and Videos

SCOD Vice-President - 2015-2017 ; 2018-2020

Facebook Account, Youtube Account, ...


(More members and their projects to be added)

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