Drogo & Nina

Tone Time With Drogo Empedocles and Nina Tewsley

Goddess Tone Time - Music Album [Album Summary on Spreaker (15 minutes)]

1. Goddess Prayer - techno invocation (2018 flute mix) (2016 mix)

2. Redeemer 4 - Jazz Piano

3. Doo-da-doodoo

4. Shakazoola 3 - Mama Doo

5. People Please Wake Up Its ft. CODIAK - growling dubstep trip-hop

6. Nina Raps Dubstep Jazz ft. CODIAK - dragon trip-hop

7. Savvy Woman, She Loves Life - Let Her Be / No Wasted Space

8. Redemption Reggae Song (Bob Marley cover)

9. Mists of Ninavaloon, Raven Dream Remix - techno beat

10. Lady Vivian Nimue of Loch Mimir - piano & water meditation

11. Niena Song - xylophone glockenspiel rain at the park (Adult Mix)

12. Tone Time Talks (3) w/ Friend Song, Weme poem, End Song

13. Angel Maru Cleansing Spell - w/ strings

Also do not miss the 'Gaia Collective Prayer' collaboration project!!

1. Lost Forest Calling Gaia - Intro by Kardrogina

2. Prayer to Gaia for Healing - by Drogo

3. Mmm-Hmm-Hmm Forest Healing Song - by Drogo

4. Halloween-Samhain Invocation - by Drogo

5. Sacred Circle: Drawing Quarters - by Drogo

6. Cahokia Flute Song 1 - by Drogo

7. Play At Ease Girl, Native Flute - by Drogo

8. Rain Xylophone Song - by Nina & Drogo (Kid Mix)

9. Rain Storm Chimes - by Drogo

10. Earth Day Song

11. Mother Earth Communion (ft. Priestess Selena Fox)

12. Midsummer Mash

13. Green Vampire Song - by Nina & Drogo (secret extra out-take redacted)

(coming soon)