E. Point Out Faults

E. Pointing out the faults of the host seems logical, because you are clearly trying to be helpful. So you go about your business dismantling their ego.

Since you are logical, there is no need to placate the host's ego with any unnecessary compliments. There is nothing of value to you there, so how you affect their self-esteem is meaningless. You point out how they could improve certain features of the property, and take time to criticize the neglect around certain areas. Someone sensitive to emotions might notice that the host takes your opinions personally, because obviously they work really hard and take life seriously.

However, you are not sensitive or empathetic enough to their feelings, and so the host takes offense. The host begins yelling at you, that “Opinions are like assholes, everyone's got 'em; and you can shove your opinions up your asshole! There is no need for you to be an asshole, and further more if you have to shit you can take yourself outside and use the public facilities. I hope the door hits you on your ass on the way out!” You begin to argue that you did not mean to insult them, because objectively it is like going into a restaurant and saying you don't like the food. You don't have to be a chef to know when you are eating bad food; just like you do not need to be an expert to tell there are some things they could improve.

You are arrogant with nothing positive to offer. You leave in disgrace, because you are not worthy of SCOD.

Well your journey with SCOD is at an end for now. We are sorry you probably do not have enough SCOD values to be a member of the community at this time. We invite you to work on yourself, and do your own thing; away from us. So mote it be.

