D. Transform

D. Transforming some of your negative feelings to self-realized biased opinions, you are able to demote them in importance to allow you to thank the host, and continue on your way.

You come to the Medieval Pub, as you are about to open the door, you and witness a vagabond outside with a hand gun. They look very hyper-upset, and indecisive as they pull the gun in and out of their pants. The vagrant vagabond is pacing back and forth. The gun looks real to you, as you have fired guns before.

As you go inside the Pub, you wonder if you should tell the bar keeper about the vagrant outside. There is a chance that the vagrant vagabond is just exercising their 2nd Amendment rights, or it is not a real gun, so it may not be worth mentioning. Also the bar keeper probably has a gun of their own, so it should not be a problem.

K. Report the gun sighting to the bar keeper

F. Do not mention the gun sighting, and check out the hearth
