K. Report the Gun

K. You walk over to the bar keeper, and report your gun sighting, and observations. The bar keeper pulls a cord, that rings a bell in another room. Then he gets on his cell phone, as he stoops below the bar. He gets a few weapons out, and ready, while texting.

“Um, do you have a gun?” you ask.

“No, I don't need no stinking gun,” he laughs. “I got a crossbow. I can kill him silently, and bury his body out back. Now do me a favor, would you? I know this guy, and he is a certified violent psychotic lunatic. Rather than kill him, im going to try to trap him. If you can get behind this counter, hidden, with your hand on this lever, that would be great. As soon as he walks in, I will give you a kick when he is over the trap door, then pull that lever hard!!”

You do as the bar keeper asks. Crouching down you, put your hand on the lever under the counter. In a matter of minutes the vagrant lunatic comes through the doors into the Pub, and the bar keeper gives you a nudge. You pull the lever as the bar keeper ducks, and grabs his crossbow. The vagabond crashes through the trap door in the floor, but tries to hang on to the edges of the opening in floor. Before he can aim the gun at the bar keeper, the bar keeper fires a bolt into the guy's arm. Other SCOD members rush in and beat the vandal down into the pit. The vagabond drops all the way down into the darkness.

The bar keeper pours a pot of hot water down on the prisoner, and they pull the trap door shut, and clear away from it. “Do not go near there, the trap door is not bullet proof, but we should be safe because the walls are smooth cement, and 15' deep to the bottom. The only thing he can do is shoot straight up.”

Congratulations!!! You are now a member of SCOD. You are worthy and you have what it takes to be successful. THE END
